WD2000: Drawing Object Sent to Back Is Printed over Header/Footer Text

ID: Q214162

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


Drawing objects that you insert in the main text area of a Word document are printed over header or footer text, even if you send the drawing object to the back or behind the text.


The drawing layer in the main text area of the document lies in front of the drawing layer for the header or footer.

The following diagram demonstrates how Word stacks drawings and text in each layer:

Cross Section of Word Document Layers

                                          /                   /|
                                         /   <SURFACE OF     / |
                                        /       PAPER>      /  |
                                       /                   /  /|
                 Front Drawing Layer  |-------------------|  / |
                     MAIN TEXT LAYER  |===================| / /|
                  Back Drawing Layer  |-------------------|/ / / 
                                      |                   | / / 
                 Front Drawing Layer  |-------------------|/ / 
   (Header/Footer) BOTTOM TEXT LAYER  |===================| / 
                  Back Drawing Layer  |-------------------|/  
The main text layer of a document and its drawing layers are in front of objects and text that appear in the bottom (header/footer) layer of the document. Therefore, if you send a drawing object to the back in the main text layer, other objects and text in that layer are printed over this object. All the drawing objects in the main text layer overprint those in the header/footer layer.


To place a drawing behind the header or footer text, create it in the header or footer drawing layer and then send it behind the text.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 21, 2000
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