WD2000: How to Install and Use the Input Method Editor from the Office MultiLanguage Pack

ID: Q216596

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000
  • Microsoft Office 2000 with MultiLanguage Pack


This article describes how to install the Input Method Editor (IME) from the MultiLanguage Pack in Microsoft Office 2000.

For more information about the Microsoft Office 2000 Multilanguage Pack and how to obtain it, please visit the following Microsoft Web address:



Input Method Editors (IMEs) are software utilities that convert keystrokes to characters in a language where the characters represent words or syllables. The MultiLanguage Pack includes IMEs for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

NOTE: Global Input Method Editors (Global IMEs) allow users running non-Asian versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system to type Asian text in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, and Internet Explorer. The Global IME is installed from the Global folder and the interface is in that language. If you need to use an IME with an English (US) interface, install the IME from the Regular folder.

To install the Input Method Editor (IME), use one of the following procedures appropriate for your situation:

Japanese or Korean

  1. Insert the Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack Disc 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Double-click the Extras folder.

  3. Double-click the IME folder.

  4. Double-click the language folder you want to install. For example, double-click either the Japanese or the Korean folder.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you double-clicked the Japanese folder, do one of the following:

      • For the Japanese language interface, double-click the Global folder. Double-click the Asianwin folder. Double-click Msjaime.exe. Then, click Yes to the following message:

      • This will install the Microsoft Global IME for Japanese. Continue?

      • For the English (US) language interface, double-click the Regular folder, and then double-click Setup.exe.


    • If you double-clicked the Korean folder, follow these steps:

    • NOTE: There is not a Korean Regular IME available. In other words, there is not a Korean IME with an English (US) interface available. You must install the Korean Global IME.

      • For the Korean language interface, double-click the Global folder, double-click Mshaime.exe, and then click Yes to the following message:

      • This will install the Microsoft Global IME for Korean. Continue?

Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese

  1. Insert the Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack Disc 4 in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Double-click the Extras folder.

  3. Double-click the IME folder.

  4. Double-click the language folder you want to install. For example, double-click either the Chinsimp (Simplified Chinese) or the Chintrad (Traditional Chinese) folder.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you double-clicked the Chinsimp folder, do one of the following:

      • For the Simplified Chinese language interface, double-click the Global folder. Double-click Msscaime.exe. Click Yes to the following message:

      • This will install the Microsoft Global IME for Chinese (Simplified). Continue?

      • For the English (US) language interface, double-click the Regular folder, and then double-click Setup.exe.


    • If you double-clicked the Chintrad folder, do one of the following:

      • For the Traditional Chinese language interface, double-click the Global folder. Double-click Mstcaime.exe. Click Yes to the following message:

      • This will install the Microsoft Global IME for Chinese (Traditional). Continue?

      • For the English (US) language interface, double-click the Regular folder, and then double-click Setup.exe.

How to Use the Input Method Editor

After installing an Input Method Editor for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese as described earlier in this article, start Microsoft Word 2000. To type Asian characters in a Microsoft Word document, click the Language Indicator located in the System Tray on the right side of the Windows taskbar, and click to select the language you want to type.

For example, if you installed the English language interface IME for Japanese, when you click the Language Indicator, you need to click to select Microsoft Japanese IME 2000 from the shortcut menu that appears. Or, if you installed the Japanese language interface IME for Japanese, you need to select Japanese IME from the shortcut menu that appears.

Near the lower right corner of your display, a toolbar for your language IME will appear. Select the proper input mode from the toolbar, and then type the characters you want in your Word document.

NOTE: The Language Indicator displays the current IME language of your system. For example, on an English (US) system, the Language Indicator displays En (the ToolTip displays English (United States)).

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta wd2000 kblpk
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: December 14, 1999
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