WD2000: Open Quotation Mark Adjacent to Character Becomes Closed Quotation Mark

ID: Q220362

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 2000


When you type the beginning quotation mark to enclose a phrase within quotation marks, the opening mark becomes a closed quotation mark instead of an open quotation mark as expected.

For example, when you type the following text:

Item 1:"This is the first item."
The quotation mark between "Item 1:" and "This" becomes a closing quotation mark.

NOTE: You must have the Replace "straight quotes" with "smart quotes" option turned on.

To turn on the Replace "straight quotes" with "smart quotes" option, do the following:
  1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect.

  2. On the AutoFormat As You Type tab, click to select the "Straight quotes" with "smart quotes" check box under Replace as you type.

  3. Click OK.


This behavior is by design. The AutoFormat As You Type feature is designed to look for a space between a character and the opening quotation mark to determine whether to use an open or a closed quotation mark.

For example, when you type the following text:

Item 1: "This is the first item."
The quotation mark between "Item 1:" and "This" becomes an open quotation mark because there is a space following the colon.


For more information about autoformat as you type, click Microsoft Word Help on the Help menu, type "autoformat as you type" in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: July 16, 1999
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