WD2000: Supported File and Graphics Formats
ID: Q235928
The information in this article applies to:
When Microsoft Word 2000 opens or saves a document, it uses text converters to change the file format of the document.
To convert documents to and from different formats or to insert graphics, you must install the appropriate text converters or graphics filters included with the Microsoft Office 2000 Setup or the Microsoft Office Converter Pack.
Office 2000 Setup and the Microsoft Office Converter Pack install text converters and graphics filters in the following folders:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt
NOTE: When you use Microsoft Word 2000, you can collaborate with others who use earlier versions of Word and different applications. However, earlier versions of Word and some other applications do not support all of the Word 2000 features.
For additional information about text converters and graphics filters that are installed during an "Install Now" Setup of Word 2000 and the text converters and graphics filters that are installed on first use, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q236051 WD2000: Text Converters Installed During an "Install Now" Setup
Q212271 WD2000: Graphics Filters Installed in an "Install Now" Setup
Text Converters That Are Native to Microsoft Word
The following text file formats are native to Word 2000; that is, they are built in and do not require an additional file format converter to be installed:
- MS-DOS Text
- MS-DOS Text with Line Breaks
- Rich Text Format (RTF)
- Text Only
- Text with Line Breaks
- Unicode Text
- Word 97 for Windows, and Word 98 Macintosh Edition
- Word 6.0/95 for Windows and Word 6.0 for the Macintosh
(Asian versions require an additional file format converter)
- Word 4.x-5.1 for the Macintosh (import only)
- Word 2.0 and 1.0 for Windows (import only)
Graphics Filters That Are Native to Microsoft Word
The following graphics formats are native (built in) to Microsoft Word 2000 and do not require a separate filter to be installed:
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
- Macintosh PICT
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
- Windows bitmap (BMP)
- Run-length encoded (RLE)
- Device-independent bitmap (DIB)
- Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
- Windows Metafile (WMF)
Text Converters Supplied with Word
The following table lists the text converters you can install by using the Microsoft Word 2000 (or Microsoft Office 2000) Setup and some additional information about each text converter.
NOTE: Each of these text converters is installed to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv
Text Converter File Name Size Comments
Lotus 1-2-3 Lotus32.cnv 109,568 Opens documents in Word
4.0, 3.x, and 2.x
format. An export
converter is not
Lotus Notes Nims32.dll Opens Word 2000, Word
Mscthunk.dll 97, Word 95, and Word
Mswrd632.cnv 135,680 6.0 documents in Lotus
Mswrd832.cnv 278,528 Notes versions 4.x and
Microsoft Excel Excel32.cnv 136,192 Opens Excel workbooks
saved in Excel 97-2000,
Excel 98 (Macintosh),
Excel 97, Excel 95, and
Excel 2.x-5.0.
Microsoft FoxPro Dbase32.cnv 53,760 Opens files in FoxPro
Microsoft Word Wrd6ex32.cnv 1,093,632 Saves documents in Word
6.0/95 binary file format with
a .doc extension.
(A converter is needed
for importing.)
Microsoft Word Macwrd32.cnv 180,736 Saves documents in Word
for the Macintosh 5.x and 4.x for the
Macintosh format.
(A converter is not
needed for importing.)
Microsoft Word Wnwrd232.cnv 183,808 Saves documents in Word
for Windows 2.x 2.x format.
(A converter is not
needed for importing.)
Microsoft Works Works432.cnv 260,096 Opens and saves
4.0 for Windows documents in Works 4.0
for Windows.
Recover Text Recovr32.cnv 57,344 Recovers text from
damaged documents.
Text with Layout Txtlyt32.cnv 189,440 Saves documents with
layout preserved.
WordPerfect 4.x Wpft432.cnv 240,128 Opens and saves
for MS-DOS documents in versions
4.2 and 4.1. The
converter also allows
you to install
WordPerfect fonts.
WordPerfect for Wpft632.cnv 253,440 Opens WordPerfect 6.x
MS-DOS and Windows Wpft532.cnv 340,992 documents, and opens
and saves WordPerfect
5.x documents.
Text Converters Supplied with the Microsoft Office Converter Pack
The following table lists the text converters you can install by using the Microsoft Office Converter Pack. For additional information about installing the converter pack, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:Q212265 WD2000: Additional Text Converters and Image Filters Available in Microsoft Office Converter Pack
Text Converter File Name Size Comments
Borland dBASE Dbase32.cnv 53,760 Opens files in dBASE
IV, III+, and II.
Lotus Ami Pro Ami332.cnv 243,712 Opens and saves
documents in Lotus
Ami Pro 3.x for
Microsoft Windows Write32.cnv 63,488 Opens and saves
Write documents in Write 3.1
and 3.0 for Windows.
Microsoft Word Doswrd32.cnv 214,016 Opens and saves
for MS-DOS documents in Word 3.x-
6.0 for MS-DOS.
Microsoft Works Works332.cnv 118,272 Opens and saves
3.0 for Windows documents in Works 3.0
for Windows format.
Revisable-Form-Text Rftdca.cnv 150,528 Opens and saves
Document Content documents in RFT-DCA
Architecture format.
WordStar for MS-DOS Wrdstr32.cnv 274,432 Opens documents in
and Windows WordStar 3.3-7.0 for
MS-DOS and WordStar 7.0
and 4.0 for Windows.
Graphics Filters Supplied with Word
The following table lists each of the installable graphics filters and some additional information about each graphics filter.
NOTE: Each of these graphics filters is installed to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt
Graphic Filter File Name Size Comments
Computer Graphics Cgmimp32.flt 393,728 Opens CGM images that
Metafile (CGM) conform to CGM:1992.
CorelDRAW (CDR) Cdrimp32.flt 203,264 Opens CDR images from
CorelDRAW versions
3.0 - 6.0.
Encapsulated Epsimp32.flt 77,824 Opens EPS images with
PostScript embedded preview images
in Tagged Image File
Format (TIFF), WMF
format, and PICT format.
If no preview is
embedded, a generic
title page is used.
Enhanced Metafile Emfimp32.flt 340,480 Converts EMF images to
WMF format.
FlashPix (FPX) and Fpx32.flt 1,544,192 Opens FPX and MIX
PictureIt! (MIX) images. Converts a
image to a single-
resolution image.
You can choose which
resolution to import.
Graphics Interchange Gifimp32.flt 274,432 Opens GIF images in
Format (GIF) versions Gif87a and
JPEG File Jpegimp32.flt 278,528 Opens JPG images that
Interchange Format conform to JPEG File
Interchange Format
version 6.0. The filter
does not support JPEG
Tagged Interchange
Format (JTIF) images.
Kodak Photo CD Pedimp32.flt 122,880 Opens PCD images saved
(PCD) and in Kodak Photo CD
Pcdlib32.dll version 3.0. Converts a
image to a single-
resolution image. You
can choose which
resolution to import.
Macintosh PICT Pictim32.flt 131,072 Opens images created or
edited in Microsoft
Office for the
PC Paintbrush Pcximp32.flt 81,920 Supports all versions of
(PCX) PCX images through ZSoft
version 3.0.
Portable Network Png32.flt 270,336 Opens and saves PNG
Graphics (PNG) images conforming to the
Portable Network
Graphics Tenth
Tagged Image File Tiffim32.flt 229,376 Opens TIFF images and
Format (TIFF) compressions that
conform to TIFF
Revision versions 6.0
and 5.0.
Windows bitmap Bmpimp32.flt 86,016 Supports BMP, RLE, and
DIB bitmaps.
Windows Metafile Wmfimp32.flt 13,312 Opens WMF images.
WordPerfect Graphics Wpgimp32.flt 149,504 Opens and saves WPG
(WPG) and images saved in
Wpgexp32.flt 86,016 WordPerfect versions
1.0, 1.0e, and 2.0.
NOTE: Although some of the graphics formats listed in the table are native to Word, you can customize Setup to install some graphics filters. Some graphics filters are not used by Word but by other Office applications (such as Microsoft Photo Editor). In addition, some of the Word 2000 text converters use the graphics filters.
Additional information about Word 2000 can be found in the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit.
For more information about the Microsoft Office Resource Kit, please see the
following Microsoft World Wide Web site:
Additional query words:
foreign convert shipped text
Keywords : kbdta wd2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo