The information in this article applies to:
Word versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0c support conversion to and/or from a
number of foreign file formats, including word processor, spreadsheet, and
database files. Word interprets some foreign formats internally and others
through use of external converter files. Word now interprets database
formats using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Note: An updated Lotus 1-2-3 converter that adds support for
Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.x is now available separately. For additional
information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
Q124871 Lotus 1-2-3 Converter Update Available for WinWord 6.0
For information on how to obtain this converter, see the following
article in the Knowledge Base:
Q120976 WD: GC1064: Ami Pro 3.0 Converters for Word 6.x and Word 7.0Supplemental WordPerfect Conversion Kit WPFT6.CNV Import Only For information on how to obtain this converter, see the following article in the Knowledge Base: Q126176 WD6x: WordPerfect Conversion Kit Available MORE INFORMATIONFor information about specific converters supplied Word, and for information on how to obtain additional converters supplied on the Word 6.0 Supplemental File Conversions Disks, double-click the Help button on the Standard toolbar in Word and then type readme. Press ENTER twice, choose the File Conversion topic, and then choose the Overview topic. Alternatively, see the Supplemental Offers coupon included with your Word 6.0 retail package or see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q107141 Word 6.0 for Windows Supplemental File Conversion DisksFor more information on enhancements made to specific Word 6.0 converters, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: textconv and 6.0 and enhancements and <converter name>For example, to find information on enhancements made to the WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 converter, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: textconv and 6.0 and enhancements and wpft5For information on third-party vendors that support conversion to and/or from foreign file formats not directly supported by Word, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: textconv and third and party and <file format>NOTE: <file format> is the name of the foreign file format you want to convert. Word 6.0 also installs a converter (MSWORD6.CNV) that other Microsoft applications (namely, Microsoft Works for Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, Microsoft Publisher for Windows) can use to read Word 6.0 documents. These applications share the converters that are installed, by default, in the MSAPPS\TEXTCONV subdirectory of your Windows program directory. Once installed, the converter is automatically available to any of the above applications that you have on your computer. Word 6.0 itself does not use this converter. Additional query words: textconv geninfo support other format open database connectivity conversion converted converts transfer transfers translation translate dca/rft dca-rft dcarft rftdca rft/dca perfect word-star star multi-mate multi mate 123 summary rtf dot revisable-form revisable form document content architecture dox wps xls mm dbf wk1 mdb amipro available
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