The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you start online Help in Word for Windows, one of the following error messages may occur:
These messages occur if Word cannot find the WORDRES.DLL file in the Word
program directory on the local hard disk or on the server. This happens if
either of the following is true:
Make sure your WIN.INI file contains a valid [MS Shareres] setting, and
that a valid copy of the WORDRES.DLL file is located in that directory.
Similarly, make sure a valid copy of the SHARERES.DLL file is located in
the <WINDOWS>\SYSTEM subdirectory.
MORE INFORMATIONWord Setup installs the following Help-related files: WINWORD.HLPSetup places the files with an .HLP file extension in the Word for Windows program directory. Setup places the WORDRES.DLL and WORDHELP.DLL files in the Word program directory as well. Setup installs SHARERES.DLL in the <WINDOWS>\SYSTEM subdirectory, where it is used by other programs in addition to Word. In addition, each OLE application that is included with Word 6.0 has a corresponding help file, which by default is installed in that application's subdirectory. For example, the Equation Editor has an associated help file named EQNEDIT.HLP which installs in the <WINDOWS>\MSAPPS\EQUATION subdirectory. Word for Windows Help information is written to the following .INI files: WIN.INIA line in the [MS Shareres] section points to the WORDRES.DLL file. Pathing information must be written in the WIN.INI file because the SHARERES.DLL cannot search the MS-DOS path. The following error may occur if the path is not included in the WIN.INI file:The line should include the path, but not the filename, as in the following example:
If more than one directory contains help-related resource files, the
various directory paths must be separated by a comma, as shown below:
WINWORD6.INIAn entry for each Help file should be included under the [Help] section.
WINHELP.INIThe WINHELP.INI file should contain pointers to the WORDHELP.DLL file and the WORDCBT.DLL file under the [Files] section. The entries should include the MS-DOS path but not the filename, as in the following example:
If these lines are not present in the WINHELP.INI file, one the following
errors may be returned:
REFERENCES"Microsoft Word Quick Results," version 6.0, pages 11-12 Additional query words: winword 6.0 hlp wordres.dll wordhelp.dll shareres.dll wrdbasic readme wordpss wphelp acmesetup word6 install on-line contents available icon display unavailable
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Last Reviewed: December 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |