Creating Example Text and Style Samples for Style Gallery.

ID: Q105700

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6.0


This article describes how you can create Examples and Style Samples for your Word for Windows templates that will display in the Format Style Gallery dialog box. You can also print these samples. The templates supplied with Word 6.0 include Examples and Style Samples, but your own templates will not contain these items unless you create them using the instructions in this article.

In the Format Style Gallery dialog box, if you select the Example option, Word displays a sample document formatted with the styles from the selected template. If you select the Style Samples option, Word displays a list of all styles in the selected template with sample text formatted with the styles.


To add Examples and Style Samples to your template that will display in the Preview Of box, you must create two AutoText entries for the template, as described below in the subsequent two sections.

Creating Text Examples

  1. Open the template for which you want to create an Example preview.

  2. In the template, type a sample document that uses the styles in your template. Your sample document should effectively demonstrate the use of as many template styles as possible.

  3. Select the formatted text and then use the following procedure to create an AutoText entry:

    1. From the Edit menu, choose AutoText.

    2. In the Name box, type Gallery Example.

    3. In the Make AutoText Entry Available To box, select Documents Based On <Your Template>.dot [do not select All Documents (].

    4. Choose the ADD button.

  4. In the template, delete the text you typed in Step 2 above.

  5. Save and close the template.

Style Samples

  1. Open the template for which you want to create a Style Samples preview.

  2. Type the name of each template style on a separate line. Apply the corresponding style to the style name text to demonstrate its use. For example, if you type Body Text, format the text with the Body Text style.

  3. Select the formatted sample text and then use the following procedure to create an AutoText entry:

    1. From the Edit menu, choose AutoText.

    2. In the Name box, type Gallery Style Samples.

    3. In the Make AutoText Entry Available To box, select Documents Based On <Your Template>.dot [do not select All Documents (].

    4. Choose the ADD button.

  4. In the template, delete the text you typed in Step 2 above.

  5. Save and close the template.

When you create a document based on this template, your formatted Gallery Style Sample and Gallery Example text will display in the Format Style Gallery box when you select the Style Samples or Example options, respectively.


"Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 6.0, Chapter 9, "Automatic Formatting and Styles," "Using Styles from Another Template" section

Additional query words: 6.0 none missing blank nothing word6 winword displays

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:6.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 23, 1999
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