List of Corrections: "Microsoft Word User's Guide"
ID: Q106473
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0c
This article contains a list of documentation errors evident in the
"Microsoft Word User's Guide" for Word version 6.0 for Windows. The
errors listed are only those that impact the technical accuracy of the
instructions offered. Minor typographical errors are not covered here.
Page and Location Action Correction
----------------- ------ ----------
86, para 1, Replace text If you want Word to fix an
last sentence error, regardless of case,
specify a lowercase entry. For
example, "documetn" fixes
"documetn," "Documetn," and
"DOCUMETN." The entry
"Documetn" fixes "Documetn"
and "DOCUMETN," but not
"documetn." The entry
"DOCUMETN" fixes only the
uppercase error.
86, para 2 Replace text To see how the AutoCorrect
feature works, make sure the
Replace Text As You Type check
box is selected by choosing
AutoCorrect from the Tools
menu. Type teh, press the
SPACEBAR, and then watch Word
replace it with "the."
87, "Note" section Remove
175, Options dialog Remove
box, "Indentation
Levels" check box
212, para 5, Replace text When you close the template or
last sentence document, or when you quit
Word, you can save the
template in the current
version of Word. If you
haven't changed the template,
you can also save it in
version 2.x format.
221, para 2, Change Text: WINWORD.OPT
sentence 3 WINWORD6.INI
255, paragraph Remove
titled "Normal
sentence 2
388, para 1, Replace text These graphics will be printed
last sentence correctly on a PostScript
printer, but they will be
represented in the Word
document as a rectangle
containing the filename, the
name of the application in
which the graphic was created,
and the creation date.
493, para 2 under Add text Make sure the "Include
the graphic, Subdirectories" box is
sentence 2 checked.
498, meaning for Replace text Match the characters within
the character "" the quotation marks literally,
(quotation marks) including characters that can
be used as search operators.
For example, type "?" to
indicate a question mark
character instead of the
question mark operator. Or
type "modern dance" to
indicate the phrase modern
dance instead of the search
expression modern AND dance
(see ampersand and space
operators, below).
516, "To cancel Replace text To cancel printing
printing" section - If background printing is
off, do one of the
In Windows, press ESC.
On the Macintosh, press
- If background printing is
on, do one of the
Double-click the printer
icon on the status bar.
Choose Print from the File
menu, and then choose the
Stop Print button.
517, shaded Replace text If you have selected the
paragraph, Mirror Margins check box, Word
sentences 3 and 4 adds gutter spacing to the
left margin on odd-numbered
pages and to the right margin
on even-numbered pages. If you
have not selected Mirror
Margins, Word adds gutter
spacing to the left side of
each page.
608-609, entire Replace text To convert an embedded object
section titled "To to a graphic
convert an embedded - Select the embedded object,
object to a and then press
graphic," including CTRL+SHIFT+F9 (Windows) or
the "Using the COMMAND+SHIFT+F9
keyboard" section (Macintosh).
611, "Note" section Replace text Word updates automatic links
each time you open the Word
document and each time the
data in the source document
changes, whereas it updates
manual links only when you
613, "To update Add text 4. Choose the Close button.
a link manually"
615, sentence 1 Replace text 3. In the source file, make
the changes you want, and
then save the file.
615, sentence 2 Remove text
615, step 3 under Replace text 3. Choose the Break Link
"To lock or unlock a button, and then choose the
document" Yes button when Word asks
if you want to break the
770, "Note" section Change text WDREADME.HLP
781, para 2, Change text ...between 6:30 A.M. and 5:30
sentence 1 ...between P.M. Pacific time. In Canada,
6:00 A.M. using a TT/TDD modem, dial
and 6:00 (905) 568-9641 between 8:30
P.M. Pacific A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Eastern
time. time, Monday through Friday,
excluding holidays.
Many of these errors will be corrected in future reprints of this
documentation. We will post new information here as it becomes
Additional query words:
6.0 winword word6
Keywords :
Version : 6.0 6.0a 6.0c
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :