Word 6.0 for MS-DOS Supplemental Printer Drivers Available
ID: Q107075
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, version 6.0
This article lists supplemental printer drivers available for Word version
6.0 for MS-DOS. These self-extracting files are available for download from the Microsoft Software Library. Please refer to the following table for file names.
Filename .PRD Filename Printer Models and Cartridges Supported
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------
DW6AC0.EXE Acer Printers
S14374 ACERLP1.PR Use for portrait orientation and font
cartridges B, C, D, E, G, H, J, N, Q, W,
and X.
ACERLP2.PR Use for landscape orientation and font
cartridges F, K, P, R, and U.
ACERLP3.PRD Use for portrait orientation with font
cartridges J, K, R, and Z.
ACERLPT.PRD Use for Tax cartridge.
ACERLPL.PRD Use for landscape orientation with font
cartridges G, H, M, N, P, Q, R, and V.
S14501 AEGLS6.PRD AEG Olympia Laserstar 6
AEG136SE.PRD AEG Olympia NP 136SE
AEGNP30.PRD AEG Olympia NP 60
AEGNP.PRD AEG Olympia NPC 80-24
AEG Olympia NPC 136-24 (Color)
AEG Olympia NPC 136-24
S14376 ALQ20018.PRD Supports 18-pin print head
ALQ20024.PRD Supports 24-pin print head
DW6AN0.EXE ANDX6500.PRD Model Name: Anadex DP-6500
S14377 ANDX9625.PRD Model Name: Anadex DP-9625
ANDX9725.PRD Model Name: Anadex DP-9725
ANDX60CS.PRD Model Name: Anadex WP-6000
ANDX60CS.PRD Use for correspondence quality.
ANDX60LT.PRD Use for letter quality.
ANDX60DP.PRD Use for draft quality.
DW6AP0.EXE IMAGWTR2.PRD Apple ImageWriter II
S14379 required.
DW6BR0.EXE BROM1309.PRD Model Name: Brother M-1309
S14380 Model Name: Brother M-1309 (SF)
BROM1324.PRD Model Name: Brother M-1324
Model Name: Brother M-1324 (SF)
Model Name: Brother M-1324 (LQ700)
Model Name: Brother M-1324 (SF, LQ700)
BROM1509.PRD Model Name: Brother M-1509 & M-1709
BROM1724.PRD Brother M-1724L
BROTWIN5.PRD Model Name: Brother Twinriter 5 (Wheel)
BROHL4.PRD Brother HL-4v, HL-8/HL-8e, HL-8v
BROHL4.PRD Supports internal fonts
BROHL4_1.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
411 cartridge
BROHL4_2.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
412 cartridge
BROHL4_3.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
413 cartridge
BROHL4_4.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
401 scalable font cartridge
BROHLV Support for both Brother HL-4v and 8v
BROHL8AM.PRD Supports internal fonts and FC-810A and
FC- 810M cartridges
BROHL8FU.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
810F and FC-810U cartridges
BROHL8Z.PRD Supports Brougham internal font and FC-
810Z cartridge
The BR-HLV and BR-TMS fonts are available with the
Brother HL-8e model only.
DW6BU0.EXE BL45LQ.PRD Model Name: Businessland 45LQ
S14406 CANON-L.PRD Landscape
CANON8-L.PRD Landscape
CANONBJE.PRD Model Name: Canon BJ-130e Bubble Jet
Model Name: Canon BJ-10e Bubble Jet
Model Name: Canon BJ-10e (Sheetfeeder)
Model Name: Canon BJ-300 Bubble Jet
Model Name: Canon BJ-330 Bubble Jet
Model Name: Canon BJ-330 (Sheetfeeder)
CANONBJ.PRD Model Name: Canon BJ-130 Bubble Jet
Model Name: Canon LBP-4
DW6CZ0.EXE WD9PALL.PRD Model Name: Citizen 120D Plus
S14500 Model Name: Citizen 200GX/200GX_15
Model Name: Citizen 200GX/200GX_15 (B&W)
Model Name: Citizen Swift 9/9x (Color)
Model Name: Citizen Swift 9/9x (B&W)
Model Name: Prodot9/9x (Colour)
Model Name: Prodot9/9x
Model Name: HSP 500/550 (Color)
Model Name: HSP 500/550 (B&W)
CITMSP10.PRD Model Name: Citizen MSP-10/15
CITILQ.PRD Model Name: CitizenPN-48(Rear Feed)
Model Name: CitizenPN-48(Bottom Feed)
GSX140.PRD Model Name: GSX-140
Model Name: GSX-140 Color
Model Name: GSX-140 w/Sheet Feed
Model Name: GSX-140 Color w/Sheet Feed
Model Name: GSX-145
Model Name: GSX-145 Color
Model Name: GSX-145 w/Sheet Feed
Model Name: GSX-145 Color w/Sheet Feed
CITMSP50.PRD Model Name: Citizen MSP-50/55 (Color)
Model Name: Citizen MSP-50/55
DW6CI0.PRD CITOH310.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh C-310/15 XP
S14385 Model Name: C.Itoh C-310/15 CXP Color
LIPS10-1.PRD Model Name: CIE LIPS 10 Plus
CITOHF10.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh F10-40/55
CITOHJS1.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh Jet-Setter
Use for portrait fonts on B, C, D, H, J,
K, L cartridges
CITOHJS2.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh Jet-Setter
Use for portrait fonts on F, K
CITOHJS3.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh Jet-Setter Use for
portrait fonts on T cartridge
CITOHJSL.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh Jet-Setter
Use for landscape fonts for internal
fonts and G cartridge
CITOHPJR.PRD Model Name: Prowriter Junior
CITOHSTR.PRD Model Name: Starwriter FP-1500-45P
CITOH715.PRD Model Name: C-715A Reliant (Color)
Model Name: C-715A Reliant
CITOH815.PRD Model Name: C.Itoh C-815 Supra
DW6CQ0.EXE COMPAQ.PRD Model Name: Standard PostScript
S14499 Model Name: PostScript (Multi-Bin)
DW6DE0.EXE DEC LN03 Laser Printer
S14386 DECLN03.PRD Use for portrait mode
DECLN03L.PRD Use for landscape mode
DW6DI0.EXE D630.PRD Model Name: Diablo 630
S14387 D630A.PRD Use for the Diablo 630 API
D630ECS.PRD Use for the Diablo 630 ECS
DP32.PRD Model Name: Diablo P32
S14502 EPI4000.PRD Model Name: Epson EPI-4000
EPSONFXQ.PRD Model Name: FX-286e & FX-1050
Model Name: FX-86e & FX-850
Model Name: FX-286
Model Name: FX-185
Model Name: FX-85
Model Name: FX-80 & FX-80+
Model Name: FX-100 & FX-100+
GQ3500P.PRD Model Name: Epson GQ-3500
Use for portrait mode
GQ3500L.PRD Model Name: Epson GQ-3500
Use for landscape mode
EPSONJX.PRD Model Name: JX-80 Color
Model Name: JX-80
EPSONLX.PRD Model Name: LX-86
Model Name: LX-80
EPSONMX.PRD Use for the Epson MX-80/100 without
GRAFTRAX.PRD Use for the Epson MX-80/100 with
EPSONMXG.PRD Use for the Epson MX-80/100 with
Graftrax Plus
EPSONRX.PRD Model Name: RX-80
Model Name: RX-100
EPSONSQ.PRD Model Name: SQ 2000
EPL6000.PRD Supports portrait internal fonts
EPL6000L.PRD Supports landscape internal fonts
EPSONEX.PRD Model Name: EX-800
Model Name: EX-800 (Color)
Model Name: EX-1000
Model Name: EX-1000 (Color)
EPSONFX.PRD Supports microspace justification
Model Name: FX-286e & FX-1050
Model Name: FX-86e & FX-850
Model Name: FX-286
Model Name: FX-185
Model Name: FX-85
Model Name: FX-80 & FX-80
Model Name: FX-100 & FX-100+
EPSONFXQ.PRD Does not support microspace
EPSONLQ3.PRD Model Name: Epson LQ-500
Model Name: Epson LQ-500 (Font Module)
Model Name: Epson LQ-510
Model Name: Epson LQ-510 (Font Module)
EPSONLQ5.PRD Model Name: Epson LQ-570/870
Model Name: Epson LQ-570/870 (SF)
Model Name: Epson LQ-1070/1170
Model Name: Epson LQ-1070/1170 (SF)
EPSONLQ1.PRD Model Name: LQ-800
Model Name: LQ-800 (ID Module)
Model Name: LQ-1000
Model Name: LQ-1000 (ID Module)
EPSONLQ2.PRD Model Name: LQ-850
Model Name: LQ-850 (Sheet Feeder)
Model Name: LQ-850 (Font Module)
Model Name: LQ-850 (Fonts, SF)
Model Name: LQ-950/1050
Model Name: LQ-950/1050 (Sheet Feeder)
Model Name: LQ-950/1050 (Font Module)
Model Name: LQ-950/1050 (Fonts, SF)
EPSONLQ.PRD Model Name: LQ-1500
LQ2500.PRD Model Name: LQ-2500 Color
Model Name: LQ-2500
LQ2550.PRD Model Name: Epson LQ-2550
Model Name: Epson LQ-2550 (Color)
Model Name: Epson LQ-2550 (SF)
Model Name: Epson LQ-2550 (Color, SF)
EPLX800.PRD Model Name: Epson LX-800
DW6FU0.EXE FDL2400.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu DL-2400 Color
S14388 Model Name: Fujitsu DL-2400
FDL2600.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu DL-2600/5600 Color
Model Name: Fujitsu DL-2600/5600
FDX2000F.PRD Epson and DX 2300F emulation
Model Name: Fujitsu DX-2300/2400 Color
Model Name: Fujitsu DX-2300/2400
FDX2000I.PRD IBM emulation
Model Name: Fujitsu DX-2300/2400 Color
Model Name: Fujitsu DX-2300/2400
FRX7100A.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu RX7100
Use for internal fonts and font
FRX7100B.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu RX7100
Use for font cartridges
FRX7100L.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu RX7100
Use for landscape orientation
FRX7100T.PRD Model Name: Fujitsu RX7100
Use for Tax cartridge
DW6GE0.EXE MSPRINT.PRD MSPrint printer driver
S14507 PLAIN.PRD Plain printer driver
TTY.PRD Standard printer driver
TTYBS.PRD Standard printer driver with backspace
TTYFF.PRD Standard printer driver with form feed
TTYWHEEL.PRD Standard Daisywheeel printer driver
DW6HP0.EXE DeskJet Printers
S14408 HPDJ3ASC.PRD Model Name: DeskJet+
Model Name: DeskJet 500
Model Name: DeskJet 550C
Model Name: Download Fonts
HPDJ.PRD Model Name: DeskJet
Model Name: DeskJet+
Model Name: DeskJet 500
Model Name: DeskJet 550C
Model Name: DeskJet Portable
HPDJ.PRD Supports internal fonts only
DW6HP1.EXE HP2934A.PRD Model Name: HP 2934A
S14503 HPPAINT.PRD Model Name: HP PaintJet
HPPAINT2.PRD Model Name: HP PaintJet XL
HPPAINT3.PRD Model Name: HP PaintJet XL300
HPQUIET.PRD Model Name: HP QuietJet
Model Name: HP QuietJet Plus
HPTHINK.PRD Model Name: HP ThinkJet
DW6HP2.EXE HP3.PRD Model Name: LaserJets II & III
S14409 HP4.PRD Model Name: LaserJet 4
Model Name: LaserJet 4Si
Model Name: LaserJet 4L
HPLASER.PRD Model Name: LaserJet Series II
Model Name: LaserJet IIID
Model Name: LaserJet IIISi
Model Name: LaserJet IIIP
Model Name: LaserJet 4
Model Name: LaserJet 4Si
Model Name: LaserJet+
Model Name: LaserJet 500+
Model Name: LaserJet (Original)
Model Name: LaserJet 2000
Model Name: LaserJet IID
Model Name: LaserJet IIP
DW6HP3.EXE HP3.PRD same as above
S14410 HPBAR3FNTS1.PRD for Cartridge Fonts
DW6HP4.EXE HP3FNTI2.PRD same as above
S14411 HP3FNTI1.PRD for Download fonts
DW6IB0.EXE IBMCLRLQ.PRD Model Name: IBM Color Inkjet (LQ)
S14401 Use for near-letter-quality
IBMCOLOR.PRD Model Name: IBM Color Inkjet (LQ)
Use for draft-quality output
IBM4019A.PRD Model Name: IBM LaserPrinter 4019-001
IBM4029.PRD Model Name: IBM LaserPrinter 4029
IBM4039.PRD Model Name: IBM 4039 LaserPrinter (PCL5)
Model Name: IBM 4029 LaserPrinter (PCL5)
PAGEDL.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Contains all the fonts from the four PRD
files listed below. Uses Word's
downloading program.
PAGEMDRN.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Modern fonts
PAGERMN.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Roman fonts
PAGEPS.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Proportional fonts
PAGESNRN.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Typesetting fonts
IBM3812.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
Supports same fonts as PAGEDL.PRD, but
does not use Word's downloading program.
IBM4216.PRD Model Name: IBM Personal Pageprinter
Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (Fonts)
Model Name: IBM 4072
Model Name: IBM 4072 (CSF)
IBMGRAPH.PRD Model Name: IBM Graphics Printer
IBM4019.PRD Model Name: IBM LaserPrinter 4019-001
Supports internal and cartridge fonts
IBM4019A.PRD Supports downloadable font set 1; uses
IBM4019B.PRD Supports downloadable font set 2; uses
IBM4019C.PRD Supports downloadable font set 3; uses
IBM3812.PRD Model Name: IBM Pageprinter (3812)
IBMPRO.PRD Use for the Proprinter.
IBMPROXL.PRD Use for the Proprinter II and
Proprinter XL.
IBMPRO3.PRD Use for the Proprinter III/IIIXL.
IBMXL24.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E, IBM 4070 Inkjet.
IBMXL24D.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E (downloadable fonts).
For IBMXL24D.PRD, italic is available only if you have
installed the appropriate italic font cartridge or
downloaded the appropriate italic font. Underline is
substituted for italic except with IBMPRO3.PRD.
IBMPRO.PRD Use for the Proprinter.
IBMPROXL.PRD Use for the Proprinter II and
Proprinter XL.
IBMPRO3.PRD Use for the Proprinter III/IIIXL.
IBMXL24.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E, IBM 4070 Inkjet.
IBMXL24D.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E (downloadable fonts).
IBMPRO.PRD Use for the Proprinter.
IBMPROXL.PRD Use for the Proprinter II and
Proprinter XL.
IBMPRO3.PRD Use for the Proprinter III/IIIXL.
IBMXL24.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E, IBM 4070 Inkjet.
IBMXL24D.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E (downloadable fonts).
IBMPRO.PRD Use for the Proprinter.
IBMPROXL.PRD Use for the Proprinter II and
Proprinter XL.
IBMPRO3.PRD Use for the Proprinter III/IIIXL.
IBMXL24.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E, IBM 4070 Inkjet.
IBMXL24D.PRD Use for the Proprinter X24/XL24 and
X24E/XL24E (downloadable fonts).
IBMPS1.PRD Model Name: IBM PS/1 Printer
IBMQUICK.PRD Model Name: IBM Quickwriter-Cartridge
Model Name: IBM Quickwriter-Download
IBMQUIET.PRD Model Name: IBM Quietwriter II
Model Name: IBM Quietwriter I
IBMQWTR3.PRD Model Name: IBM Quietwriter III
IBMWHEEL.PRD Model Name: IBM Wheel Printer
DW6KO0.EXE DICONIXE.PRD Model Name: Kodak Diconix 150 (Parallel)
S14506 Model Name: Kodak Diconix 150 (Serial)
DICNX180.PRD Model Name: Kodak Diconix 180si
DICONIX.PRD Model Name: Kodak Diconix 150 Plus
DW6KY0.EXE KYOCERA1.PRD Supports portrait fonts for the F-1010
S14402 and F-2010
KYOCERA2.PRD Supports portrait fonts for the F-3010
KYOCERAZ.PRD Supports the Z downloadable portrait
KYOCERAB.PRD Supports the B cartridge and
downloadable portrait fonts
KYOCERAT.PRD Supports the tax cartridge and
downloadable portrait fonts
KYODWNL.PRD Supports all downloadable landscape
KYOCERAL.PRD Supports landscape fonts for the F-1010,
F-2010, F-3010
KYOCERA1.PRD Supports portrait fonts for the F-1010
and F-2010
KYOCERA2.PRD Supports portrait fonts for the F-3010
KYOCERAZ.PRD Supports the Z downloadable portrait
KYOCERAB.PRD Supports the B cartridge and
downloadable portrait fonts
KYOCERAT.PRD Supports the tax cartridge and
downloadable portrait fonts
KYODWNL.PRD Supports all downloadable landscape
KYOCERAL.PRD Supports landscape fonts for the F-1010,
F-2010, F-3010
KYOFS.PRD Model Name: Kyocera FS-Series
Model Name: Kyocera FS-Series(Extended)
DW6MT0.EXE MT1X.PRD Model Name: Mannesmann Tally MT-1x
S14403 MT80.PRD Model Name: Mannesmann Tally 80
MT330.PRD Model Name: Mannesmann Tally 330 CLR
Model Name: Mannesmann Tally 330
MT910.PRD Use for internal and cartridge fonts.
MT910BS.PRD Use for the "Business Style"
downloadable font set.
MT910IS.PRD Use for the "Industry Style"
downloadable font set.
MT910SF.PRD Use for the "Specialty Fonts"
downloadable font set.
MT910DP.PRD Use for the "Data Processing"
downloadable font set.
DW6NC0.EXE NCR6416.PRD Model Name: NCR-6416 Laser Printer
S14407 NEC860_1.PRD Model Name: NEC LC860
Use for portrait fonts on B, C, D, G, H,
and J cartridges.
NEC860_2.PRD Use for portrait fonts on F and K and
NEC860_3.PRD Use for portrait fonts on the T
NEC860_L.PRD Use for internal and cartridge landscape
NEC.PRD Model Name: NEC P5XL/P9XL (Color)
Model Name: NEC P5XL/P9XL
Model Name: NEC P6/P7 (Color)
Model Name: NEC P6/P7
NECP2.PRD Model Name: NEC P2/P3
NEC3550.PRD Model Name: NEC Spinwriter 3550
NEC7710.PRD Model Name: NEC Spinwriter 7710
NECP5200.PRD Model Name: NEC P5200/5300
Model Name: NEC P5200/5300 (Color)
NECP6200.PRD Model Name: NEC P6200
Model Name: NEC P6200 (Color)
Model Name: NEC P6200 (SF)
Model Name: NEC P6200 (Color, SF)
Model Name: NEC P6300
Model Name: NEC P6300 (Color)
Model Name: NEC P6300 (SF)
Model Name: NEC P6300 (Color, SF)
NECP5.PRD Model Name: NEC P560/P565 (Color)
Model Name: NEC P560/P565
NECP2200.PRD Model Name: NEC P2200
Model Name: NEC P2200 (Sheet Feeder)
P2200XE.PRD Model Name: NEC P2200XE
Model Name: NEC P2200XE (Sheet Feeder)
DW6OK0.EXE OKI192.PRD Model Name: Okidata 192
S14391 Model Name: Okidata 193 (Color)
Model Name: Okidata 193
OKILASER.PRD Model Name: Laserline 6/8 (Portrait)
OKI400B.PRD Model Name: OkiLaser 400 (B)
Supports the internal B cartridge fonts.
OKI400F.PRD Model Name: OkiLaser 400 (B)
Supports the internal F cartridge fonts.
OKI4S12.PRD Model Name: OkiLaser 400 (B)
Supports the S1 and S2 cartridge fonts.
OKI4TAX.PRD Model Name: OkiLaser 400 (B)
Supports the Tax cartridge fonts.
OKI400L.PRD Model Name: OkiLaser 400 (B)
Supports landscape fonts.
OKI2410.PRD Model Name: Pacemark 2410
DW6OL0.EXE OLIVE309.PRD Model Name: Olivetti DM309
DW6PA0.EXE PANAX44.PRD Model Name: Panasonic KX-P4420
S14405 Model Name: Panasonic KX-P4450
Model Name: Panasonic KX-P4450i
PANA1092.PRD Model Name: Panasonic KX-P1092i
Model Name: Panasonic KX-P1091i
PANA1080.PRD Model Name: KX-P1080i
Model Name: KX-P1592
PANAX24.PRD Model Name: KX-P1124 [ROM D]
Model Name: KX-P1124 [ROM D] Sheetfeeder
Model Name: KX-P1124 [ROM A]
Model Name: KX-P1124 [ROM A] Sheetfeeder
Model Name: KX-P1624
Model Name: KX-P1624 Sheetfeeder
PANA11.PRD Model Name: Panasonic KX-P1180
Model Name: Panasonic KX-P1191
PANA1524.PRD Model Name: Panasonic KX-P1524
PANALQ.PRD Model Name: PanaKX-P2123
Model Name: PanaKX-P2123(Color)
Model Name: PanaKX-P2123(Sheet Feeder)
Model Name: PanaKX-P2123 (SF, Color)
PANAFX.PRD Model Name: PanaKX-P2180
Model Name: PanaKX-P2180(Color)
Model Name: PanaKX-P2180 (Sheet Feeder)
Model Name: PanaKX-P2180(SF, Color)
S14390 Model Name: Standard PostScript
Model Name: PostScript (Multi-Bin)
Model Name: HP PostScript Cartridge Plus
Model Name: Brother HL-10DPS
Model Name: AST TurboLaser/PS
Model Name: DEC LN03R ScriptPrinter
Model Name: LaserJet PostScript Option
Model Name: LaserJet IIISi
Model Name: IBM 4019/4029/4039
PostScript Option
Model Name: IBM Page Printer II
Model Name: QMS-PS 410
Model Name: Kyocera FS Series
Model Name: LaserJet 4
Model Name: DataProducts LZR 960
DW6QM0.EXE QMSCLRGX.PRD Model Name: QMS Colorgrafix 100
S14393 QMSSMART.PRD Model Name: Smartwriter
Model Name: Smartwriter [LASERGRAFIX]
Model Name: Smartwriter [LEGAL]
Model Name: Smartwriter [OFFICE 1]
Model Name: Smartwriter [OFFICE 2]
QMSKISS.PRD Model Name: QMS KISS Plus (Portrait)
Model Name: QMS KISS (Portrait)
QMSPOR.PRD Model Name: QMS Smartwriter (Portrait)
Model Name: QMS KISS Plus (Portrait)
Model Name: QMS KISS (Portrait)
DW6QD0.EXE QUADLASR.PRD Model Name: Quadram QuadLaser
DW6QU0.EXE QUMESUP2.PRD Model Name: CrystalPrint Super Series II
S14505 QUME11.PRD Model Name: Qume Sprint 11
DW6RI0.EXE RICOHLP.PRD Model Name: Ricoh LP 4080R
S14394 RICOHLPL.PRD Use for landscape orientation.
RICOHPC.PRD Model Name: Ricoh PC Laser 6000
RICOHPCL.PRD Use for landscape orientation.
DW6SE0.EXE BPI5420.PRD Model Name: Seikosha BPI-5420AI
S14395 Model Name: Seikosha BP-5460
SEISL90.PRD Model Name: SL-90
Model Name: SL-90 (Font Module)
SEIAI.PRD Model Name: Seikosha SP-1600AI
Model Name: Seikosha SL-3000AI
SEI1600.PRD Use when printer is in IBM mode.
Model Name: Seikosha SP-1600AI
Model Name: Seikosha SL-3000AI
SEI1600.PRD Use when printer is in draft only.
Model Name: Seikosha SP-1600AI
Model Name: Seikosha SL-3000AI
SP1000.PRD Model Name: Seikosha SP-1000
SEISP2.PRD Model Name: SP-2000
DW6SI0.EXE SREXP.PRD Model Name: Silver Reed EXP 400
DW6ST0.EXE DELTA.PRD Model Name: Star Micronics Delta
S14504 STAR8II1.PRD Model Name: Star LaserPrinter 8II
Model Name: Star LaserPrinter 8II DX
NX1020.PRD Model Name: NX-1020 Rainbow
NX2420.PRD Model Name: Star NX-2420
Model Name: Star NX-2420 Rainbow
Model Name: Star NX-2420 [FC]
Model Name: Star NX-2420 [FC] Rainbow
RADIX.PRD Model Name: Star Micronics Radix
STARNB24.PRD Model Name: Star Micronics NB24-15
STARNX15.PRD Model Name: NX-10 & NX-15
NX1000Z.PRD Model Name: NX-1000/D/II & NX-1500
Model Name: NX-1001
Model Name: NX-1000 Rainbow
NX2410.PRD Model Name: Star NX-2410
STAR2410.PRD Model Name: Star XB-2410
DW6TA0.EXE DMP106.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 106
S14412 CMP2100.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2100 Condensed
DMP2100.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2100 Standard
DMP2200.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2200
DMP400.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 400
DWII.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWII
DWP220.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWP 220
DMP130.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 130
DMP200.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 200
DMP430.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 430
DMP2100P.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2100P
DMP2110.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2110
DMP2120.PRD Model Name: Tandy DMP 2120
DWIIB.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWIIB
DWP230.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWP 230
DWP510.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWP 510
Model Name: Tandy DWP 510 Sheetfeeder
DWP520.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWP 520
DWP510.PRD Model Name: Tandy DWP 510
LP1000.PRD Model Name: Tandy LP 1000
DW6TI0.EXE TI850.PRD Model Name: TI-850
S14413 TI855.PRD Model Name: TI-855
Model Name: TI-857 (Color)
TI875.PRD Model Name: TI-875
Model Name: TI-877
TI885.PRD Model Name: TI-885
DW6TO0.EXE TOSH301.PRD Model Name: Toshiba ExpressWriter 301
S14414 TOSH1340.PRD Model Name: Toshiba P1340
TOSH1351.PRD Model Name: Toshiba P1350/P1351
Model Name: Toshiba P1350 (Sheet Feeder
TOSHLAS1.PRD Model Name: Toshiba PageLaser12
Roman 8 symbol set
TOSHLAS2.PRD Model Name: Toshiba PageLaser12
US ASCII symbol set
TOSH311.PRD Model Name: Toshiba ExpressWriter 311
TOSHP321.PRD Toshiba P321/P321SL/341SL
Toshiba P351 SX/P351 SXC
P351SX.PRD Model Name: Toshiba P321
Model Name: Toshiba P321SL
Model Name: Toshiba P321SL (Color)
Model Name: Toshiba P341SL
Model Name: Toshiba P341SL (Color)
P351SX.PRD Model Name: Toshiba P351SX
Model Name: Toshiba P351SX (Color)
TOSHP351.PRD Model Name: Toshiba P351
Model Name: Toshiba P351C (Color)
DW6UN0.EXE AP1324.PRD Model Name: Unisys AP 1324
S14415 Model Name: Unisys AP 1324 (Color)
Model Name: Unisys AP 1324 (SF)
Model Name: Unisys AP 1324 (Color, SF)
AP1337.PRD Model Name: Unisys AP 1337
Model Name: Unisys AP 1337 (SF)
Model Name: Unisys AP 1339
Model Name: Unisys AP 1339 (SF)
DW6XE0.EXE Model Name: Xerox 4045
S14416 X4045PSP.PRD Use for portrait orientation.
X4045PSL.PRD Use for landscape orientation.
X4045.PRD Use for cartridge fonts or if
downloading the
font yourself.
X4045DLP.PRD Use for automatic downloading in
portrait orientation.
X4045DLL.PRD Use for automatic downloading in
landscape orientation.
X2700.PRD Model Name: Xerox 2700
Model Name: Xerox 3700 CP
X4020.PRD Model Name: Xerox 4020
X4045PSP.PRD Model Name: Xerox 4045
Use for portrait orientation.
X4045PSL.PRD Use for landscape orientation.
X4045.PRD Use for cartridge fonts or if
downloading the font yourself.
X4045DLP.PRD Use for automatic downloading in
portrait orientation.
X4045DLL.PRD Use for automatic downloading in
landscape orientation.
For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:6.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :