Word 6.0a Patch Supplies But Does Not Install PRESENT.DOT

ID: Q112093

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a
  • Microsoft Windows, version 3.1


The Word version 6.0a for Windows patch supplies a new template file, PRESENT.DOT, but may not copy it to your <WINWORD>\TEMPLATE subdirectory. The file remains in the directory where you originally placed the Word 6.0a patch files.

The "Workaround" section in this article contains step-by-step instructions you can use to install the PRESENT.DOT template in Word.

Note: The PRESENT.DOT template contains the PresentIt macro, which exports the outline information in the current Word document into Microsoft PowerPoint. The PRESENT.DOT template adds the Present It button to the Microsoft toolbar.


The Word 6.0a Patch installs the PRESENT.DOT template only if it finds Microsoft Office installed on your computer. It does not install PRESENT.DOT if you installed Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer as a stand-alone application, independent of the Microsoft Office package.

Note: The PRESENT.DOT template is unnecessary if you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint.


IMPORTANT: Use Method 1 if you have Word 6.0c, use Method 2 if you have Word 6.0a, and use Method 3 if you have Word 6.0.

Method 1: Word 6.0c Only

Word 6.0c supplies the PresentIt macro and Present It toolbar as part of the CONVERT.DOT template file, so you can copy them from CONVERT.DOT to your Normal (global) template using the following instructions:

  1. Start Word 6.0c and create a new document based on the Normal template (to do this, choose the New button on the Standard toolbar).

  2. From the File menu, choose Templates.

  3. Choose the Organizer button, and select the Macros tab.

  4. Choose the left Close File button (the button changes to an Open File button).

  5. Choose the left Open File button.

  6. Select PRESENT.DOT, which is located in the <WINWORD>\MACROS subdirectory (where <WINWORD> is your Word 6.0c program directory) and then choose OK.

  7. Select PresentIt in the In PRESENT.DOT box and then choose the Copy >> button. PresentIt should now appear in the To NORMAL.DOT box on the right.

  8. Select the Toolbars tab in the Organizer dialog box.

  9. In the In CONVERT.DOT box, select Present It, and then choose the Copy button. Present It should now appear in the To NORMAL.DOT box on the right.

  10. Choose the Close button to exit the Organizer dialog box.

  11. To turn on the Present It toolbar, choose Toolbars from the View menu. In the Toolbars list, select Present It so an X appears in the check box. Choose OK.

    Word saves these changes to your Normal template when you quit Word.

Note: If you want to move the PresentIt button from the Present It toolbar to the Microsoft toolbar, you must do it manually, using the Customize command on the Tools menu (select the Toolbars tab). For specific instructions, see the procedure in Workaround Method 2 below in this article.

Method 2: Word 6.0a Only

If you have PowerPoint and want to use the PRESENT.DOT template, you can manually copy the PRESENT.DOT file from the location where you expanded your Word 6.0a Patch files to your <WINWORD>\TEMPLATE subdirectory.

You can use the Organizer dialog box in Word to add the PresentIt macro or Present It toolbar to your Normal (global) template. (To open the Organizer dialog box, choose Macros from the Tools menu and then choose the Organizer button. Select the Macros tab to copy the PresentIt macro, or select the Toolbars tab to copy the Present It toolbar.) For specific instructions, see the procedure in Workaround Method 3 below in this article.

Note: If you add the PresentIt macro or Present It toolbar to your Normal (global) template, Word does not add the Present It button to your Microsoft toolbar. You can either use the Present It toolbar separately, or you can add the Present It button to your Microsoft toolbar manually, using the following instructions:
  1. Open or create a document based on the Normal template.

  2. From the View menu, choose Toolbars.

  3. In the Toolbars box, select Microsoft so an X appears in the check box next to it. Choose OK.

  4. From the Tools menu, choose Customize.

  5. Select the Toolbars tab.

  6. In the Categories box, select Macros.

  7. In the Macros box, select PresentIt.

  8. Drag the PresentIt macro and drop it on the Microsoft toolbar (notice that the mouse pointer changes to a gray-outlined square). When you drop the macro, the Custom Button dialog box opens.

  9. In the Custom Button dialog box, select the PowerPoint button (the PowerPoint button is the seventh button in the fourth row), and then choose the Assign button. You should now see the PowerPoint button on the Microsoft toolbar.

  10. In the Tools Customize dialog box, select Normal.dot from the Save Changes In list, then choose the Close button.

Method 3: Word 6.0 Only

Word 6.0 supplies the PresentIt macro and Present It toolbar as part of the CONVERT.DOT template file, so you can copy them from CONVERT.DOT to your Normal (global) template using the following instructions:
  1. Start Word 6.0 and create a new document based on the Normal template (to do this, choose the New button on the Standard toolbar).

  2. From the File menu, choose Templates.

  3. Choose the Organizer button, and then select the Macros tab.

  4. Choose the left Close File button (the button changes to an Open File button).

  5. Choose the left Open File button.

  6. Select CONVERT.DOT, which is located in the <WINWORD>\MACROS subdirectory (where <WINWORD> is your Word 6.0 program directory) and then choose OK.

  7. Select PresentIt in the In CONVERT.DOT box and then choose the Copy >> button. PresentIt should now appear in the To NORMAL.DOT box on the right.

  8. Select the Toolbars tab in the Organizer dialog box.

  9. In the In CONVERT.DOT box, select Present It, and then choose the Copy button. Present It should now appear in the To NORMAL.DOT box on the right.

  10. Choose the Close button to exit the Organizer dialog box.

  11. To turn on the Present It toolbar, choose Toolbars from the View menu. In the Toolbars list, select Present It so an X appears in the check box. Choose OK.

    Word saves these changes to your Normal template when you quit Word.

Note: If you want to move the PresentIt button from the Present It toolbar to the Microsoft toolbar, you must do it manually, using the Customize command on the Tools menu (select the Toolbars tab). For specific instructions, see the procedure in Workaround Method 2 above in this article.

Additional query words: 6.00a 6.00c officeinterop winword word6 macppt winppt

Keywords : kbsetup kbtemplate
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,6.0a; :3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 23, 1999
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