Headers and Footers Not Visible with Hercules Monochrome

ID: Q112501

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a


When you run Word 6.0 for Windows in page layout view using a system with a Hercules Monochrome display adapter:

  • The header and footer text is not visible when you work in the body text. (The body text is visible.)

  • The body text is not visible when you work in the header or footer area. (The header and footer text is visible.)


In page layout view, Word renders header and footer text in light gray when you work in the body text. However, Hercules Monochrome monitors support only two colors: black and white. On these screens, light gray is mapped to white. Because the background of the page is also white, the header and footer text becomes invisible.


You cannot reconfigured Word to use a color other than gray to represent header and footer text. However, there are two ways to use Word to avoid this problem.

Method 1: Use normal view. Normal view does not use WYSIWYG page layout view and thus, does not display the headers and footers. When you edit the header or footer, use the Header And Footer command on the View menu to automatically switch Word into page layout view temporarily while you edit the header or footer.

Method 2: Use print preview. In Word 6.0, print preview mode supports text editing. Because it is a preview mode, it also renders header and footer text in black.

To use print preview mode, select the Print Preview command from the File menu. Once the preview appears, choose the magnifying glass button on the toolbar. Print preview mode will work like page layout view, but the headers and footers will appear black.

Additional query words: 6.00a winword word6

Keywords : kblayout
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,6.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 28, 1999
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