Using PowerLeads! as a Data Source for Word 6.0 Mail Merge

ID: Q115067

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a


If you write a letter or perform a mail merge from PowerLeads! version 1.2 using Word for Windows, you may receive the following error message:

Microsoft Word Err=1041
This document template does not exist


Although you can select Word as a word processor option from within PowerLeads! version 1.2, the error is generated because the PWRWORD6.DOT is not installed with the PowerLeads! version 1.2 upgrade disk. To select Word in PowerLeads!, from the Utilities menu, choose Customize and select Microsoft Word for Windows version 6.0 as the Word Processor,

PowerLeads! will correctly print merge when used with Word versions 2.x for Windows.


To merge your database records with Word 6.0 for Windows, you must first open the PWRWORD2.DOT file in Word, convert it, and save it as PWRWORD6.DOT. Store this file in the same directory as PowerLeads!. You will be prompted twice to confirm conversions. Choose OK to confirm both conversions. During the conversion process you are prompted to specify the Header Record Delimiters two times although the second instance is to specify the delimiters for the data file, not the header file. Use a comma as a field separator and a paragraph symbol as a record delimiter and choose OK for both dialog boxes.

While in the Header Record Delimiters dialog boxes, notice that the previews show the fields separated by commas and that each record ends with a paragraph return, indicating that these are the selections that you should make when specifying field delimiters. Selecting tab or one of the other symbols as a field delimiter causes the header and data fields to be converted as one long character string, thus causing an Invalid Merge Field error.

By default, the header information is stored in a file called PWRFLDS.TXT, and the data is temporarily stored in a file called DATADOC.TXT.


PowerLeads!, manufactured by Pyramid Data Inc., is a relational database for contact management system for the Windows environment. They can be contacted at:

Pyramid Data Inc.
1660 S. Amphlett Blvd, Suite 305
San Mateo, CA 94402
(415) 312-7070 or (800) 972-PYRAMID
The PowerLeads! product included here is manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words: 6.00a PowerLeads Power Leads word6 winword template

Keywords : kbprint kbmerge
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,6.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 28, 1999
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