IA: General Information about Internet Assistant for Word

ID: Q120643

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word, versions 1.0, 1.0z, 2.0z, 2.02b, 2.04z
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0a, 6.0c
  • Microsoft Word for Windows NT, version 6.0
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a
  • Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, versions 6.0.1, 6.0.1a


This article answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word for Windows, Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word for Windows 95, and Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word for the Macintosh.


  1. Q. What is Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word for Windows?

    A. Internet Assistant is a free add-on program that makes Word for Windows the easiest, most powerful tool for creating, exploring, and sharing information on the World Wide Web (WWW), a global network of servers on the Internet.

  2. Q. What is the difference between Internet Assistant version 1.0z and version 2.0z?

    A. Version 1.0z (Wordia.exe) is designed for use with Word for Windows 6.0a or 6.0c, while version 2.0z (Wrdia20z.exe) is designed for use with Word version 7.0 for Windows 95 or Word for Windows NT.

  3. Q. Is there a version of Internet Assistant for the Macintosh?

    A. Yes. This is version 2.0 (Macia20z.hqx) which is designed for use with Word versions 6.0.1 or 6.0.1a for the Macintosh.

  4. Q. How do I get this add-on?

    A. You can download all versions of Microsoft Internet Assistant from the Microsoft Download Center. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  5. Q153860 WD: Versions of Internet Assistant Available for Download
  6. Q. How does Internet Assistant for Word simplify creating Web pages?

    A. Anyone who knows Word automatically knows how to write documents for the Internet because the Internet Assistant for Word now automatically generates hypertext markup language (HTML), the standard file format of World Wide Web documents. You no longer need to learn the HTML format or spend time to manually input HTML tags to create documents for the World Wide Web. With Internet Assistant, you can create hyperlinks between documents with simple Copy and Paste commands.

  7. Q. Does this work directly with my other Microsoft Office applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Access?

    A. Yes. You can easily create hyperlinks from Word to other Microsoft Office applications. This means you can create richly formatted compound documents using all the powerful word processing capabilities of Word without encountering all the limitations of the HTML format. The HTML converter for Internet Assistant 1.0 does not save the layout of tables or columns, nor does it save embedded objects. You can, however, save these layouts and objects in a Word for Windows document and create a hyperlink to the Word document. Internet Assistant 2.0 does convert Word tables and embedded graphics. For more information, see Help in Internet Assistant.

  8. Q. Can I use Internet Assistant to browse or surf the Internet?

    A. Yes. It's easy to connect to and browse the Internet using Internet Assistant because you can do it directly from Word's familiar interface, which eliminates the need to use different authoring and browsing tools.

    You also have access to the most popular Internet services because Internet Assistant comes with built-in support for the key Internet protocols (namely, HTTP, FTP, and Gopher).

  9. Q. What are the system requirements for Internet Assistant, version 1.0z?

    A. Internet Assistant version 1.0z requires the following:

    1. A personal computer with 80386 or higher microprocessor.

    2. English, French, or German Microsoft Word 6.0a or 6.0c.

    3. 6 MB of memory (8 MB recommended).

    4. 4 MB of free hard drive space.

    5. MS-DOS version 3.0 or later.

    6. Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

    7. One of the following: Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 or later, Microsoft Windows NT, or Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.

    8. An Internet connection is required for browsing. This can be a SLIP, PPP, or network gateway connection to the Internet using a proxy server. See your local Internet provider or network administrator for information.

  10. Q. What are the system requirements for Internet Assistant, version 2.0z?

    A. Internet Assistant, version 2.0z, requires the following:

    1. A personal computer with 80386 or higher microprocessor.

    2. English, French, German, or Italian Microsoft Word for Windows 95.

    3. 8 MB of memory.

    4. 4 MB of free hard drive space.

    5. Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

    6. VGA or higher-resolution video adapter (SVGA 256-color recommended).

    7. Windows 95 operating system.

    8. An Internet connection is required for browsing. This can be a SLIP, PPP, or network gateway connection to the Internet using a proxy server. See your local Internet provider or network administrator for information.

  11. Q. What are the new features in Internet Assistant version 2.0z?

    A. Over the past several months we've been working hard to provide users with a variety of new features in Internet Assistant for Word for Windows 95. Listed below are some of the features that are new since the earlier 1.0z version:

    1. Faster import of HTML documents.

    2. View HTML Source command. This feature gives you one-click access to your HTML source code so you can see exactly what your document looks like in raw HTML form.

    3. More robust round-trip conversion of unknown (illegal or unsupported) HTML tags.

    4. Improved Internet connectivity.

    5. Auto protocol detect.

    6. Faster image downloads.

    7. Support for Internet Explorer and Netscape extensions.

    8. Support for more HTML formatting tags, such as:

      1. Center tag

      2. Body attributes

      3. Background Picture

      4. Background Color

      5. Text attribute

      6. Link attribute

      7. Vlink attribute

  12. Q. What are the system requirements for Internet Assistant 2.0 for the Macintosh?

    A. The system requirements for Internet Assistant 2.0 for the Macintosh are as follows:

    1. Apple Macintosh with a 68030 or 68040 processor (68040 recommended) 6 MB of memory (8 MB recommended) or a Power Mac with 8 MB of memory (with virtual memory turned on)

    2. System 7 operating system or later (System 7.5.3 recommended)

    3. Microsoft Word for Macintosh version 6.0.1

    4. Hard-disk space required: 3 MB during installation (Internet Assistant uses 1 MB after it is installed)

    NOTE: Macintosh SE, Classic, II, LC, and PowerBook 100 models are not compatible with Microsoft Word version 6.0.1.

Additional query words: iaword system requirements

Keywords : kbfile kbinterop kbusage wordnt kbwdinternet ntword word6 word7 word95 macword6
Version : MACINTOSH:6.0.1,6.0.1a; WINDOWS:1.0,1.0z,2.02b,2.04z,2.0z,6.0a,6.0c,7.0,7.0a; winnt:6.0
Platform : MACINTOSH WINDOWS winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 25, 1999
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