WD6X: Supplemental Macros for Word 6.0 for Windows Available

ID: Q123606

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0c


The Microsoft Application Note titled "WD1025: Supplemental Macros for Word 6.0 for Windows" contains a file named INSTALL.DOC that will install several useful macros and a corresponding toolbar in Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows. These macros are described in the "The Supplemental Macros" section below.

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Software Library. Click the file name below to download the file:

For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services


   Microsoft(R) Product Support Services Application Note (Text File)
                                                  Revision Date: 11/94
                                                                1 Disk

The following information applies to Microsoft Word for Windows,
version 6.0.

| ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an Application |
| PURPOSE. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and    |
| the use of this Application Note. This Application Note may be      |
| copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1) All  |
| text must be copied without modification and all pages must be      |
| included; 2) If software is included, all files on the disk(s) must |
| be copied without modification (the MS-DOS(R) utility diskcopy      |
| is appropriate for this purpose); 3) All components of this         |
| Application Note must be distributed together; and 4) This          |
| Application Note may not be distributed for profit.                 |
|                                                                     |
| Copyright (C) 1994 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.      |
| Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a     |
| trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a registered      |
| trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.                                    |


The enclosed WD1025 disk contains a file named INSTALL.DOC that will
install several useful Word 6.0 for Windows macros and a corresponding
toolbar. These macros are described in the "The Supplemental Macros"
section below.

When you follow the installation instructions below, a template called
Appnote1.dot will be copied to your WINWORD\MACROS subdirectory. This
template provides the 18 supplemental macros and the Supplemental
Macros toolbar.

IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this macro code "as is"
without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but
not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or
fitness for a particular purpose.


To install these macros, do the following:

1. Insert the enclosed WD1025 disk in the appropriate floppy disk
   drive. Copy INSTALL.DOC and XXDOSDIR.PIF from the disk to a
   temporary directory or to your Word for Windows program directory.

2. Start or switch to Microsoft Word for Windows.

3. From the File menu, choose Open. Select the INSTALL.DOC file and
   choose the OK button.

4. A prompt appears asking you if you want to install the supplemental
   macros. Choose Yes. When the installation is finished, a message
   box appears indicating that the installation is complete. (NOTE:
   The installation process may take a few minutes, depending on the
   speed of your computer.)

5. At the bottom of the Word screen a toolbar appears with a single
   button titled Show Macro Toolbar. Click the Show Macro Toolbar
   button to access the macros.

6. A toolbar appears along the bottom of the Word screen that contains
   a toolbar button for each of the macros from this Application Note.
   To determine which macro is assigned to a button, position your
   mouse over the button and read the ToolTip text.

   NOTE: If a ToolTip does not appear, choose Toolbars from the View
   menu and select the Show ToolTips check box.

When the Supplemental Macros toolbar is available, the Appnote1.dot
file is loaded as a global template. If you click the Hide Toolbar
button on the Supplemental Macros toolbar, the toolbar is hidden and
the Appnote1.dot file is no longer a global template.

To remove (uninstall) these supplemental macros

1. From the Tools menu, choose Macro.

2. From the Macros Available In list, select Normal.dot (Global

3. In the Macro Name box, select ShowMacroToolbar and choose the
   Delete button. When Word asks you to confirm the deletion, choose
   the Yes button. Choose the Close button.

4. From the File menu, choose Templates.

5. From the Global Templates And Add-ins box, select Appnote1.dot and
   choose the Remove button. Choose OK.

6. Switch to Windows File Manager and delete the Appnote1.dot file
   from your WINWORD\MACROS subdirectory.


Add Current Document to Work Menu

For easy access, the AddCurrentDocumentToWorkMenu macro adds the
current document name to a menu named Work. After you add the document
to the Work menu and close the document, you can reopen it by
selecting the document name from the Work menu. You can remove
documents you no longer use from the Work menu by doing the following:

1. Press CTRL+ALT+HYPHEN (-).

2. Select the document name from the Work menu.

NOTE: The document name that you choose to remove cannot be the active


The ANSIChar macro displays the ANSI character codes for the
characters within a selection. It also allows you to print or display
this list in a new document.

AutoText Names To Datafile

All of the names and addresses you added using the Word 2.x for
Windows letter templates (LETBLOCK, LETPERSN, LETMODBK, LETMDSEM) are
stored in Word 6.0 as AutoText entries that begin with the text
"Name:". The AutoTextNamesToDatafile macro exports a copy of the names
and addresses to a data source so that you can perform a mail merge.
Run the AutoTextNamesToDatafile macro and select one of your letter
templates. The macro creates a data source with the names and
addresses from the template you selected.

Insert AutoTextEntry

The InsertAutoTextEntry macro allows you to view your AutoText entries
within a specified template. Instead of one list box with AutoText
entries from all available templates, this macro allows you to view
and insert AutoText entries from a specific template. Choose a
template name from the Current Template and Add-ins drop-down, select
an AutoText entry name, and click the Insert button.

Column Row Reference

The ColumnRowReference macro returns the table column and row numbers
for a single cell or cell range. Position your insertion point within
a cell or select a range of cells and run the macro. The macro
displays a message box containing cell references that you can then
use within a formula field. For example, the following field adds the
contents of table cells B3 and C3: {=SUM(B3:C3)} .

Record Number

The RecordNumber macro can be used to number your records in a data
source table. When you run the macro, a Rec_Num field is added with
sequential numbers. For example:

Rec_Num    Name                  Age

1          Joe Smith             23
2          Jimmy Phillips        31
3          Karen Lewis           27

NOTE: This macro works only in a data source that does not include
text before the table.

Word2 View Header Footer

The Word2ViewHeaderFooter macro opens the Word 2.x for Windows
Header/Footer dialog box. To edit the header or footer text, select
the appropriate options and choose OK. An editing pane will appear at
the bottom of your screen.


Take a break from your word processing tasks and try arranging puzzle
pieces 1-15 in order. To slide a piece to the adjacent empty slot,
click it.

App Runner

The AppRunner macro brings up a dialog box that allows you to start
commonly used applications, such as File Manager, Sysedit, Print
Manager, and Control Panel.


The DOSDirectory macro displays a dialog box similar to Word's Open
dialog box. Select a file extension or type a file extension in the
File Name box (for example, you can type *.w4w to retrieve a listing
of files that end with the W4W extension). After you have selected the
appropriate options, choose the OK button and the macro will retrieve
a list of available files and directories. The directory listing is
displayed in a new document window. You can then print or save the new

MS-DOS File Utilities

Basic MS-DOS file management functionality is available using the
DOSFileUtilities macro. For example, you can copy, move, delete, or
rename files. You can connect to a network drive, create a new
directory, and get system information.

Send Mail As Attachment or Text

The MailAsTextOrAttachment macro sends the current document as an
attachment or as text. When you run the macro, Word prompts you to
choose Text or Attachment. If you select Text, the text from the
current document window is copied into a new mail message. If you
select the Attachment option button, the document is added to a new
mail message as an attachment.

Multi Select (Spike) and Multi Select Unload (Insert Spike)

The MultiSelect macro allows you to collect items from your document
and store them in Word's Spike. Unlike Word's Spike command, the
MultiSelect macros don't cut the text from your document, but rather
copy the text to the Spike. Once you have added a few items, you can
insert the contents of the Spike at the insertion point. The
MultiSelect and MultiSelectUnload macros extend the functionality of
Word's Spike and InsertSpike commands.

To copy items to the Spike, first select the text and then click the
Multi Select toolbar button; continue selecting and choosing the Multi
Select button to append as many items as you like. To insert the
contents of the Spike into your document, click the Multi Select
Unload button. Items added to the Spike are separated by paragraph

For more information on the Spike functionality in Word, see pages 78-
79 in the "Microsoft Word User's Guide."

Auto Correct Utility

The AutoCorrectUtility macro allows you to back up and later restore
your AutoCorrect entries. You can also choose to print a listing of
your AutoCorrect entries or insert the entries into a new document
window. When you run the Auto Correct Utility, a document named
ACORRECT.DOC appears behind a dialog box. In the dialog box, you can
choose to back up, restore, print, or insert your AutoCorrect entries
into a new document. If you choose the Backup button, a backup of your
AutoCorrect entries is stored in the ACORRECT.DOC file. The
ACORRECT.DOC file can then be distributed to other users who can use
the restore functionality (this allows you to distribute your
AutoCorrect entries to other users). The ACORRECT.DOC file is located
in your WINWORD\MACROS subdirectory.

  NOTE: The AutoCorrect dialog box will appear briefly for each of
  your AutoCorrect entries. If you have a number of AutoCorrect
  entries, the AutoCorrect dialog box will flash several times (once
  for each AutoCorrect entry).

Add Graphic Border Shading

The AddGraphicShadow macro can be used to add a 3-D border or shading
to a selected graphic or to all graphics within the current document. To
see the shading, switch to print preview or page layout view.


The Watermark macro inserts a watermark into your document. If you are
using a PostScript(R) printer, select the Text option, and then select
the Use Code For PostScript Printer check box. If you don't have a
PostScript printer, select the Text option and then choose the WordArt
Text button, or select the Graphic option and then choose the Find
Graphic button to select a graphic image.

Booklet Printer

The FormatFoldOverBooklet macro allows you to print multiple pages on
a single printed page. The macro copies your document text to a new
document window, changes the formatting to two columns, and switches
the orientation to landscape. The appropriate page numbers are added
below each column.

NOTE: If your printer supports duplex printing, choose Print from the
File menu. Choose the Printer button and then choose the Options
button. Set the duplex option to Long Edge and choose the OK button.


Additional query words: winword frequently requested word6 request book fold bookfold

Keywords : kbappnote kbmacro kbusage
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,6.0a,6.0c
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 21, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.