Troubleshooting Proofing Tool Error Messages in Word 95

ID: Q134996

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a


The following information discusses error messages specific to the Word for Windows 95 proofing tools and methods, for the purpose of troubleshooting those error messages.


Shared Alerts

Spelling, grammar, hyphenation, and thesaurus have four shared main error alerts, as well as a few others specific to each tool. The shared alerts are:
Word cannot find (tool x) for (language x).
Word cannot read (tool x) for (language x).
Word cannot open (tool x) for (language x).
Word cannot load (tool x) for (language x).
These messages narrow down the possible problem. The verb in each message is the key word.

"Cannot find" means either the tool is not in the expected location on the disk or, if there is a path listed for the tool, the tool is registered in a location other than where it is installed.

"Cannot read" means Word can find the tool, but Word is unable to tell how to use it. This could be caused by a bad or corrupted file.

"Cannot open" means Word can find the tool and is able to understand how it should be used, but Word can't actually open it. This too is usually a bad or corrupted file.

"Cannot load" means Word can find the tool, read the tool, and open the tool, but Word can't load it for use. This can be triggered by a bad file, a corrupted file, or a low-memory condition.

Troubleshooting the Error Messages

Error 1: Word cannot start the (tool).

Solution: Word is unable to start the tool mentioned in the message due to some sort of error. Possible causes include:

  • Not enough memory.

  • Your computer hung (stopped responding) while running the tool, and you need to restart Windows before using the tool again.

  • The file or files are correctly installed but incorrectly registered (or correctly registered and incorrectly installed).

  • Decompression of the file by Setup was unsuccessful.

Error 2: There is not enough memory to run the (tool).

Solution: General Windows optimization relating to memory usage, system optimization, or file corruption.

  • There is a low memory situation. Try closing other programs to clear memory or try restarting the system.

  • The problem may be a corrupted document.

Error 3: The (tool) is in use.

Solution: This message should no longer appear with any of the tools, as all are "re-entrant" after the computer hangs. If the message does appear, it indicates that you were in the process of using the tool when a file, application, or system error occurred. These errors usually include hangs or general protection faults (GP faults).

  • Clear out unnecessary *.tmp files and restart Windows.

Hyphenation-Specific Errors

Error: Word cannot find the hyphenation file HYPH32.DLL for English (US).

Solution: The document open was created with AutoHyphenation turned on and you do not have the hyphenation files installed.

Additional query words: 7.0 word95 word7 winword

Keywords : kbproof
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,7.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 28, 1999
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