The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSWhen you update a table of contents or figures when Mark Revisions While Editing is selected, the error appears in the deleted (struck through) table of contents. The same error message also appears in place of text that is the result of other fields, such as captions and cross-references. CAUSEWhen Word creates a table of contents, it bookmarks the paragraphs formatted with Heading styles, which are used to build the table of contents. These bookmarks serve to reference the heading's page reference and a place to "jump" to when you double-click the page number in the table of contents. The page number in the table of contents is really a nested field, for example:
The item "_TOC308930458" is a random name defined for the bookmark of a
heading referenced in the table of contents. Word creates these bookmarks
when the table of contents is first generated or when you update the table
of contents (by pressing F9) and choose Update Entire Table, but not when
you choose to Update Page Numbers Only. When you update the entire table,
Word deletes the old table of contents and generates a new one, along with
new bookmarks. Because the bookmarks that the first table of contents
referenced no longer exist, you will see the error:
Normally, the old table of contents is deleted; however, with Mark Revisions While Editing turned on, you will still see the old table of contents formatted for strike through. RESOLUTION
When you accept revisions, Word removes the deleted table of contents and
deletes the "error."
Additional query words: 6.0 7.0 word6 word7 winword word95
Keywords : kbfield |
Last Reviewed: January 3, 2000 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |