DOSWord: Screen Corruption in VGA Graphics Mode with PSP.EXE

ID: Q69118

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, version 5.5


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It has been reported that when running Word under Novell, the PSP.EXE program and QSLIM.EXE, when used in conjunction, will cause vertical lines to appear on a VGA system operating in a Word graphics mode.

PSP.EXE and QSLIM.EXE, by Brightworks Inc., allow printing to a workstation printer from other workstations. PSP.EXE is a utility used to configure this printing function. Once configured correctly, QSLIM.EXE is enough for proper operation of the printing function (PSP.EXE doesn't need to be run in conjunction with QSLIM.EXE).

Without the PSP.EXE program loaded, Word version 5.50 will work without screen corruption in graphics mode. PSP.EXE should only be run when needed and then taken out of RAM when configuration is done.

Note: The problem does not occur when running Word a text mode.

Microsoft has not tested with this configuration, and therefore, cannot guarantee proper results.

Additional query words: vertical lines novell print

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbdisplay kbprint
Version : MS-DOS:5.5
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 31, 2000
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