Word: Creating/Suppressing Space Between Footnotes and Text

ID: Q74786

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, versions 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0


Microsoft Word for MS-DOS does not provide an option or feature that can automatically create or suppress blank lines between the line that separates the footnote section from the document text. The amount of space that Word will place between the last line of document text and the footnote line depends on the following factors and/or Word settings:

  • The margin settings for the page

  • The keep together and keep follow (keep with next) paragraph formatting options

  • The Print Options or Utilities Customize Widow/Orphan Control setting

  • The number of footnotes on the page

  • The location of the last footnote on the page

  • The length of the footnote text in the footnote section at the bottom of the page

If Word does not create a blank line between the last line of document text and the line that denotes the beginning of the footnote section, try changing the following settings/options in Word.

The settings/options listed first cause the least amount of change to the document's layout. Under some circumstances, it may be necessary to perform more than one of these changes to create or suppress blank lines between document text and the footnote line.

  1. Change the Widow/Orphan Control setting by choosing the Print Options or Utilities Customize command. This may change the number of lines in the last paragraph on the page that will be printed on the page.

    With Widow/Orphan Control activated, Word will not place the first or last line of a multiple-line paragraph on a page by itself. Usually, this only results in the single line being moved to another page, and causes the least amount of change to the page layout.

  2. Place the cursor in the last paragraph on the page, and select the Format Paragraph Keep together option. This may cause the entire last paragraph on the page (and any footnotes located in it) to be placed on the next page, if Word cannot fit the entire paragraph on the page.

  3. Reduce the amount of text for footnote(s) on the page.

  4. If possible, reposition a footnote reference mark located on the page by doing the following:

    1. Highlight the footnote reference mark.

    2. Press the Delete key or choose the Edit Cut command (Word 5.5). The footnote reference mark and its corresponding footnote text will disappear from the document.

    3. Move the cursor to the new location where the footnote reference mark can be repositioned.

    4. Press the Insert key or choose the Edit Paste command (Word 5.5). The footnote text and its corresponding reference mark will reappear in the document.

  5. Remove a footnote from the document.

  6. Change the page margins for the document.


Product support liaison testing

Additional query words: 4.00 5.00 5.50 6.00

Keywords : kbusage
Version : MS-DOS:4.0,5.0,5.5,6.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 20, 1999
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