Continuous Footnote Numbering Across Sections in Word

ID: Q81447

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, versions 3.x, 4.x, 5.0, 6.0


Microsoft Word for MS-DOS does not number footnotes continuously across divisions. A division break (section break in Word 5.5) causes footnotes to renumber beginning at one.


To print a document with multiple divisions and have all the footnotes number consecutively, use one of the following three methods:

Method A: Separate Files and Include Statements

  1. Make each of the divisions into a separate document.

  2. Create a master document using a series of INCLUDE statements to merge the separate files into one. Do not put division breaks between the INCLUDE statements in the master document.

    Your master document should contain statements similar to the following:
          <<INCLUDE filename1.doc>>
          <<INCLUDE filename2.doc>>
          <<INCLUDE filename3.doc>> 

  3. Print the master document using Word's Print Merge feature. In Word version 3.x, 4.0, or 5.0, press ESC, and choose Print Merge Printer. In Word version 5.5, choose Print Merge from the File menu.

Method B: Automatic Numbering in a Series

  1. Position the cursor at the beginning of the document.

  2. In Word versions 3.x through 5.0, press ESC, choose Jump Footnote, and press ENTER. In Word 5.5, from the Edit menu, choose Goto, select Footnote, and press ENTER. This command positions your cursor at the next footnote reference number in the document text.

  3. Format the footnote reference number as hidden text, and select the reference number. In Word versions 3.x through 5.0, press ESC Format, Character, and select Hidden. In Word 5.5, from the Format menu, choose Character, and select Hidden.

  4. Move the cursor one space to the right, type "mark:" (without the quotation marks), and press F3. This places parentheses around "mark:" and formats it as an item in a series.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all the footnote reference marks are formatted in the same manner.

  6. Go to the footnote section of the document, select the first footnote number, and format it as hidden text. In Word versions 3.x through 5.0, press ESC, Format, Character, and select Hidden. In Word 5.5, from the Format menu, choose Character, and select Hidden.

  7. Move one space to the right, type "foot:" (without the quotation marks), and press F3. This places parentheses around "foot:" and formats it as an item in a series.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all the footnote numbers are formatted in the same manner.

With this formatting, the actual footnote reference marks and the footnote numbers do not print. Instead, each consecutive item in the two series, "(mark:)" and "(foot:)" are numbered in ascending order. The numbering continues uninterrupted across all division and section breaks.

Method C: Macro Workaround for Method B

A description of the macro follows the macro text.

Macro Text

<<SET Echo="Off">><menu>td<menu>in<alt K>ZZ<alt T>c<alt S><down
4><enter><shift ctrl f6><ctrl
home><menu>es<alt F>sZZ<enter><<WHILE Found>><ctrl D><ctrl H><right>
mark:<f3><left><backspace><left><alt E>g<enter><ctrl D><ctrl H><right>
foot:<f3><left><backspace><menu>es<alt F>sZZ<enter><<ENDWHILE>>n<ctrl
f6><del><ctrl f4> 

Description of Series Macro

This macro assumes the following conditions are true:
  • The document is open.

  • There is NOT a character footnote reference style in the attached stylesheet.

  • There is no style with the KeyCode "ZZ."

  • There is no manual formatting on the footnote numbers.

  • The Store and Restore macros are in the open glossary.

The macros called are:


<<SET Echo="Off">>store<f3>     Turn off screen updating.

<menu>td<menu>in<alt K>ZZ<alt   Go to the attached stylesheet,
T>c<alt S><down 4><enter><shift create a footnote reference style
ctrl f6>                        with the code ZZ, and return to
                                the document window.

<ctrl home><menu>es<alt         Go to the top of the document and
F>sZZ<enter>                    search for the footnote reference

<<WHILE Found>><ctrl H>         At the footnote, format the
<right>foot:<f3>                footnote number as hidden text,
<left><backspace>               and insert the "foot:" series

<left><alt E>g<enter><ctrl      Go to the document text and do
H><right>mark:<f3>              the same to the footnote
<left><backspace>               reference number, formatting it
                                as the series "mark:".

<menu>es<alt F>sZZ<enter>       Search for the next footnote
<<ENDWHILE>>                    until finished with the document.

n<ctrl f6><del><ctrl            Go back to the stylesheet,
f4>restore<f3>                  delete the ZZ style, and
                                close the window. 


"Using Microsoft Word," version 5.0, pages 263-265

"Using Microsoft Word," version 5.5, pages 250-253

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbusage
Version : MS-DOS:3.x,4.x,5.0,6.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 20, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.