Default Bullets Print Incorrectly or Do Not Print

ID: Q93480

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, version 6.0


In Word for MS-DOS, when you apply bullet formatting using one of the four default bullet characters (square, round, diamond, or hollow), the bullets may not print or preview correctly. This happens if you select Printer in the Bullet From box and the current paragraph is formatted for a font that assigns a different character to the ASCII character code Word uses for bullets.

If your bullet prints incorrectly or not at all, select a non-symbol TrueType font (such as Arial or Times New Roman) in the Bullet From box.


Word uses the following ASCII character codes for the four default bullet characters:

   Bullet    ASCII code
   Diamond   004
   Hollow    248
   Round     250
   Square    254 
Some fonts, including the TrueType WingDings and Symbol fonts, assign different (or no) characters to these ASCII character codes, which means your bullet appears incorrectly.

The non-symbol TrueType fonts assign the default bullet characters to the above ASCII codes, so the correct bullet always appears in your document when you choose your bullet from these fonts.


"Using Microsoft Word," version 6.0, pages 96-100, 127, 132-134

Additional query words: 6.00 standard tools bulleting bulleted list

Keywords : kbprint kbformat
Version : MS-DOS:6.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: December 20, 1999
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