Thesaurus Opens If Text Is Formatted for No Proofing
ID: Q94876
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, version 6.0
If you select a word that contains No Proofing Language formatting and
then run the Thesaurus, Word for MS-DOS opens the Thesaurus for the
default language. This happens because Word maps the No Proofing
Language setting to the default language. If you want Word to open the
Thesaurus file for a different language, apply the corresponding
language format to the word using the Format Language command.
You can set the default language at three different levels in Word:
- Set the default language for the current document only. When you
choose the Default button in the Language dialog box, Word displays
the following message:
Do you want to make this the default language for the
current document only?
Choose the Yes button to set the default language for the current
document only.
- Set the default language for all documents. When the above message
appears, choose the No button.
- Word sets a global default language, which is hard coded in the
WORD.EXE file. In the U.S. version of Word, the default language is
English (US). Many international versions of Word offer a choice
between two default languages during Setup.
"Using Microsoft Word," version 6.0, pages 566-568
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbproof
Version : MS-DOS:6.0
Platform : MS-DOS
Issue type :