WD97: Word 97 RTF Document Opens Blank in WordPerfect 6.x
ID: Q157201
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
In WordPerfect 6.x, when you open a Rich Text Format (RTF) document that
was created in Word 97 for Windows, the document is empty.
WordPerfect 6.x does not correctly convert a Microsoft Unicode rich-text
file (RTF).
This problem occurs when the following conditions are true:
- You create a document in Word 97.
- You click Save As on the File menu, and save the file in the Rich Text
Format (*.rtf), Word 6.0/95 (*.doc), or the Word 97 & 6.0/95 - RTF
(*.doc) format.
- You open the document in WordPerfect 6.x.
For additional information, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q177289 WD97: Why Are Two Word 6.0/95 Converters Listed in Save As Type?
To work around this problem, save the Word 97 document in the WordPerfect
5.x for Windows format before you open it in WordPerfect 6.x.
RTF Version 1.5 has been updated to include all new control words
introduced by Microsoft Word for Windows 95 version 7.0 and Word 97 for
The Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification is a method of encoding formatted
text and graphics for easy transfer between applications. Currently, users
depend on special translation software to move word-processing documents
between different MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, and Power Macintosh
The RTF Specification provides a format for text and graphics interchange
that can be used with different output devices, operating environments, and
operating systems. RTF uses the ANSI, PC-8, Macintosh, or IBM PC character
set to control the representation and formatting of a document, both on the
screen and in print. With the RTF Specification, documents created under
different operating systems and with different software applications can be
transferred between those operating systems and applications.
For additional information about the updated RTF Specifications, please see
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q164472 WD97: GC1282: Rich Text Format Addendum (Spec. for Word 97)
Additional query words:
8.0 conversion converting converted transferring transferred transfers transfer import export empty blank null nil nothing void
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbconversion winword word97
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :