The information in this article applies to:
If you manually type a numbering scheme followed by text so that the
"Automatic numbered lists" feature is invoked, the number you type
automatically changes by one if numbering previous to this item was within
plus or minus one to the item you just typed.
This functionality is by design. After you type a number, AutoCorrect looks
backward through the document for the closest numbered list. If it finds a
numbered list where the last item in the list is numbered plus or minus
one, from the number you just typed, Word will change the number you just
typed so that it becomes the next item in the list.
To prevent the number from attaching to the previous list, press CTRL+Z on
the keyboard to undo the automatic formatting.
For more information about numbered lists, click the Office Assistant,
type "numbered lists," click Search, and then click to view one of the
Q120802 Office: How to Add/Remove a Single Office Program or Component Additional query words: program coordinate separate different
Keywords : kbdta word97 kbnumbering |
Last Reviewed: August 24, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |