WD97: Criteria Used by AutoStyle to Assign Body Text Style

ID: Q168855

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows


When you enter text in a document, Word automatically formats the text with the Body Text style when the following conditions are true:

  • The paragraph ends with a period, question mark, exclamation point, or colon.


  • The paragraph either spans more than one line or shares all major types of formatting with a previously defined body text paragraph.


In Microsoft Word, styles, such as the Body Text style, define the appearance of various text elements of your document, such as headings, captions, and body text. When you apply a style to a paragraph or word, you can apply a whole group of character or paragraph formats or both in one simple operation. When you want to change the formatting of all the text of a particular element at once, you just change the style that is applied to that element. Styles make formatting your document easier. Additionally, they serve as building blocks for outlines and tables of contents

Microsoft Word 97 has a new feature that automatically creates styles, such as the Body Text style, as you type,. To find out more information about how this new feature works, click the Office Assistant, type "How do you automatically create a style," click Search, and then click the "Turn off Automatic style definitions" topic.

NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the Standard toolbar. If Word Help is not installed on your computer, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q120802 Office: How to Add/Remove a Single Office Program or Component
For more information about automatic style creation, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q159941 WD: General Information About "Auto" Features in Word 97

Q157478 WD: What's New in Word 97

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbusage
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
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