WD97: How to Obtain Word 97 for Windows, Service Release 1

ID: Q172527

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows, version Service Release 1 (SR-1)


Word 97 SR-1 is now available. This article discusses where you can get this updated version of Word and it also explains some of the differences between the various versions of the update that are available.


There are three versions of SR-1 that you can use to update Word:

  • Microsoft Office 97 SR-1 Patch
  • Microsoft Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise Update
  • Microsoft Word 97 SR-1
The main difference between these versions is that the patch will allow you to update an existing (non-SR1) installation of Microsoft Word 97 to SR-1, while the Enterprise Update and Word 97 SR-1 are complete versions of the products and do not require an existing (non-SR1) installation.

NOTE: The SR-1 patch will not work on an administrative, run from network server, or run from CD installation. For these types of installations you will need the full SR-1 product.


The following sections include more information about upgrading to SR-1.

Office 97 Patch

Who Should Get it:

You should get the Office 97 SR-1 Patch if you currently have one or more of the Office 97 family of products installed. This includes Office 97, Word 97, Small Business Edition, or Home Essentials.

The SR-1 Patch will not work if you performed an administrative, run from network server, or run from CD installation.

   Media        Advantages               Disadvantages
   Download   - Downloadable from      - Does not contain
                the Internet.            updated ValuPack.

              - Updates all            - Does not work for
                products in the          administrative,
                Office family.           run from server,
                                         or run from CD

                                       - Need existing (non-SR1)

   CD         - Contains updated       - Does not work for
                ValuPack                 administrative,
                                         run from server,
              - Updates all              or run from CD
                products in the          installations.
                Office family.
                                       - Need existing (non-SR1)

   Floppy     - Updates all            - Does not contain
                products in the          updated ValuPack.
                Office family.
                                       - Does not work for
                                         Admin, run from server,
                                         or run from CD

                                       - Need existing (non-SR1)
If you downloaded the SR-1 patch before 8/16/97, you should also download and install the patch update from:
If you downloaded the SR-1 patch after 8/16/97 you will not need to download the patch update.

Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise Update

Who Should Get it:

You should obtain the Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise Update if you want to update an existing administrative, run from network server, or run from CD installation. It should also be used if you do not currently have one of the Office 97 products installed.

   Media        Advantages               Disadvantages
   CD         - Do not need
                existing (non-SR-1)

              - Contains updated

              - Works for all types
                of installations.

   Floppy     - Do not need            - Does not contain
                existing (non-SR-1)      updated ValuPack.

              - Works for all types
                of installations. 

Word 97 SR-1

Who Should Get it:

Word 97 SR-1 should be obtained if you currently own a standalone copy of Microsoft Word 97 (and not Office 97), or one of the special "bundles" such as the Small Business Edition or Home Essentials.

   Media         Advantages               Disadvantages
   CD          - Used to update
                 standalone installs
                 and bundles (not
                 Office 97).

               - Contains updated


To Download the Office 97 SR-1 Patch

The Microsoft Office 97 SR-1 Patch is available for download as Sr1off97.exe from the following location.

To Order the Office97 Patch

You can place an order online and have the patch mailed to you on CD or 3.5-inch disks. The order form is available at the following Microsoft World Wide Web site:

To Order the Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise Update

To obtain the Office 97 SR-1 Enterprise Update, call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561. If you are outside the United States, contact your local subsidiary. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web site at:

To Order the Word 97 SR-1

To obtain the Word 97 SR-1, call the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561. If you are outside the United States, contact your local subsidiary. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web Site at:


For more information about obtaining or installing SR-1, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q172475 OFF97: How to Obtain and Install the MS Office 97 SR-1 Patch

Additional query words: sr1 release1 upgrade fix

Keywords : winword word97
Version : :Service Release 1 (SR-1)
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: December 22, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.