WD97: Drop Cap Jumps to Previous Column

ID: Q185813

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows


In a multi-column document, when you insert a "dropped" drop cap at the beginning of the second or subsequent column, the drop cap jumps to the bottom of the previous column.


This functionality is by design and occurs when the paragraph starts in the previous column and wraps to the top of the next column. When you format a drop cap as "dropped," Word moves the formatted letter to the beginning of the paragraph.


Do one of the following to correctly position a drop cap:

  • Make sure the letter you are formatting as a drop cap is the first letter of the paragraph, and that the paragraph starts at the top of the column in the previous column.

    NOTE: Make sure the paragraph does not continue from the previous column.


  • After you insert the drop cap, drag it to the correct position.


When you click Drop Cap on the Format menu, Word formats a letter, word, or selected text as a large initial, or dropped, capital letter. A "drop cap," which is traditionally the first letter in a paragraph, can appear either in the left margin or dropped from the base line of the first line in the paragraph.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q185923 WD97: Text Formatted with "Drop Cap" in Wrong Place on Page

Additional query words: large initial character dropcap

Keywords : kbdta word97 kbframe
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 16, 1999
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