WD97: WP 5.x Paragraph Number Cross-Reference Cannot Be Updated
ID: Q187840
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
When you open a WordPerfect 5.x document containing cross-references to
paragraph numbers, the results of the cross-references may become 0 (zero)
and you cannot update the cross-references.
For example, after you open a WordPerfect 5.x document, a cross-reference
that should appear as
See paragraph I.A.1
may appear as
See paragraph 0
This problem occurs because Word converts all WordPerfect paragraph
numbering ([ParNum]) codes to {seq} (sequence) fields.
NOTE: Microsoft implemented the use of {seq} fields to overcome differences
between the Word and WordPerfect numbering models. However, a consequence
of this change is that cross-references to paragraphs numbered with {seq}
fields, instead of heading or multilevel list numbering, cannot be updated.
To successfully convert the WordPerfect Numbering and Outline feature to
Word paragraph numbering, follow these steps:
- On the Tools menu, click Templates And Add-ins.
- Click Add.
- Change the Look in box to the "\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Macros" folder.
- Change the Files Of Type box to All Files.
- Select Convert8 (Convert8.wiz) and then click OK.
The Convert8 template will be added as a global template.
- Click OK to close the Templates And Add-ins dialog box.
- On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Macros.
- Select EditConversionOptions, and then click Run.
- In the "Edit Converter and Filter Options" dialog box, change the
Conversion box to WordPerfect 5.x.
- In the Conversion box, select the FavourSequenceFields=Yes and then
click the No option.
NOTE: FavourSequenceFields should now be equal to No and should
resemble the following:
- Click OK to close the "Edit Converter and Filter Options" dialog box.
Now when you convert WordPerfect 5.x documents, the WordPerfect numbering
features will be converted to the Word numbering features automatically,
and paragraph number cross-references will be retained.
NOTE: Reverting to prior functionality may result in numbering problems
caused by model differences between Word and WordPerfect that the use of
{seq} fields was designed to resolve.
To temporarily work around this roblem, remove the {seq} fields from the
referenced paragraphs and apply paragraph numbering using the Bullets And
Numbering feature. To do this, follow these steps:
- Press ALT+F9 to view field codes. The paragraph numbering fields should
appear similar to the following:
{seq level0 \h \r0}
- Select the entire sequence field ({seq level0 \h \r0}) and delete it.
- On the Format menu, click Bullets And Numbering.
NOTE: The insertion point must be in the paragraph (or the paragraph
selected) that contained the {seq} field(s).
- Select the Numbered or Outline Numbered tab (whichever provides
numbering options that best correspond to the current numbering scheme).
- Click Modify.
- Change the number to the correct value in the Start At box and click OK.
- Once all of the referenced paragraphs are formatted as Numbered (or
Outline Numbered), update the cross-reference fields.
To update a cross-reference, select the cross-reference and then press
NOTE: You may need to delete any extraneous characters that may appear
as part of the cross-reference result.
For more information about converting WordPerfect 5.x documents, click
Contents And Index on the Help menu, click the Index tab in Microsoft Word
Help, type the following text
file converters
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Convert between Word
and WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2" topic. If you are unable to find the
information you need, ask the Office Assistant.
Additional query words:
conversion convert converted converts converting translation translated translates translating transfer transferred transfers transferring
Keywords : kbfield word97
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb