WD97: How to Use Dates as Mail Merge Selection Criteria
ID: Q198040
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
You can perform a selective mail merge based on a list of dates. For
example, you can merge records based on such criteria as a group of
days of months, years, or combinations of all three. For example, you can
perform a selective mail merge based on a list of names and birth dates.
In addition, you can instruct Word to change the date format of data in
merged document.
To use the selective merge function, do the following:
- Set up the data document. For example:
Karan Khanna, 10-5-1940
Jon Morris, 6/1/1926
Megan Sherman, 5/26/1907
NOTE: You can use either forward slashes or dashes in the dates. If
your data document is formatted as a table, you can also spell out
the date (for example, "June 1, 1926").
NOTE: The example companies, organizations, products, people, and events
depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company,
organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred.
- Set up the main document:
Note: Using the If field in the document to do a selective merge will
generate blank papers. This is by design; the merge command will create a
document for each record read, whether or not the record meets the criteria
in the IF statement.
- {if {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "MMMM"}="October" "{MERGEFIELD
Friends} {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"}"}
This example merges records for people born in October. The
Birthdate field is formatted as "October 5, 1940", regardless
of the data format of the data document (October 5, 1940, or
10/5/1940, or 10/5/40).
- {if {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "MM"}="10" "{MERGEFIELD Friends}
{MERGEFIELD Birthdate}"}
This example works the same as example a, except that the Birthdate
prints exactly as it appears in the data document.
- {if {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "yy"}="40" "{MERGEFIELD Friends}
{MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "MM/dd/yy"}"}
This example merges records for people born in 1940. The Birthdate
field is formatted as "10/5/40."
- {if {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ " yyyy"}="1940"
"{MERGEFIELD Friends} {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "d-MMM-yy"}"}
Same result as example 3 above, except that the Birthdate prints in
"5-October-40" format.
- {if {MERGEFIELD Birthdate \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"}="October 5, 1940"
"{MERGEFIELD Friends} {MERGEFIELD Birthdate}"}
Merges only the records of people born on October 5, 1940.
NOTE: To enter the field brackets ({}), choose Field from the Insert menu
(or press CTRL+F9).
These examples do not illustrate all possible selective merge combinations
or date formats. To view all possible DATE field switches, choose Field
from the Insert menu. Under Categories, select Date And Time; under Field
Names, select Date, and then click Options. All the possible date switch
combinations appear in the Instructions box.
It is not possible to do a selective print merge using less than or
than statements based on dates, because Word interprets the dates as text.
The dates in Word do not have a numerical value that can be compared.
For example, this will NOT work:
{ if {MERGEFIELD mydate \@ "M/d/yy"} > "4/15/97 "true" "false" }
Additional query words:
conditional pmh
Keywords : kbfield word97 kbmerge
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto