WD97: Bullet Replaces Leading Number in Paragraph

ID: Q230034

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows


When you create a list or paragraphs containing bullets, Word replaces any leading numbers or a single letter followed by a period (an initial, for example) with the bullet character.


Word does not allow both a number and a bullet to appear at the beginning of a paragraph or list item when you use the Bullets and Numbering command.


To prevent Word from removing leading numbers from paragraphs or lists that you want to format with bullets, use any of the following methods.

Method 1: Insert an Optional Hyphen

  1. Press CTRL+HYPHEN.

  2. Type the number, followed by the text you want.

  3. Select the numbered text, and then on the Tools menu, click Bullets and Numbering.

  4. On the Bullet tab, click to select the bullet you want, and then click OK.

  5. On the Edit menu, click Replace.

  6. In the Find what box, press CTRL+HYPHEN, leave the Replace with box blank, and then click Replace All.

Method 2: Place the Number in a QUOTE Field
  1. Press CTRL+F9 to insert field braces.

  2. Type quote and press the SPACEBAR.

  3. Type the number you want between the quotation marks. For example, the field code should appear as follows:

    {quote "12.2"}

  4. Press F9 to update the display results.

Method 3: Use a Macro

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Solution Provider or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about Microsoft Certified Solution Providers, please see the following page on the World Wide Web:

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The following Visual Basic for Applications macro can replace the ToolsBulletListDefault macro, which is assigned to the Bulleted List toolbar button. The macro automates the typing of unique characters in front of the numbers before adding bullets.

Sub formatbulletdefault()
    With Selection
    If Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListType = wdListNoNumbering Then
    Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
    Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(31)
    With ListGalleries(wdBulletGallery).ListTemplates(1).ListLevels(1) _
        .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleBullet
        With .Font
            .Name = "Symbol"
        End With
    End With
    ListGalleries(wdBulletGallery).ListTemplates(1).Name = ""
    Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate _ 
         ListTemplate:=ListGalleries(wdBulletGallery).ListTemplates(1), _ 
         ContinuePreviousList:=False, ApplyTo:=wdListApplyToWholeList
    Selection.Range.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers NumberType:=wdNumberParagraph
    End If
    End With
End Sub 

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 28, 1999
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