XL97: Data Validation Is Only Accurate with Manual Entry

ID: Q159403

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows


In Microsoft Excel 97, cells to which you apply data validation restrictions (using the Validation command on the Data menu) may accept invalid values.


This behavior occurs when any of the following conditions are true:

  • You select a range of cells that includes a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions, type an invalid data value, and then press CTRL+ENTER.

    These steps insert the value you typed into all the selected cells.

  • -or-

  • You programmatically insert an invalid value into a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions.

  • -or-

  • You copy an invalid value from a cell and paste it into a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions.

  • -or-

  • You drag an invalid value from a cell to a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions.

  • -or-

  • You use the AutoFill feature to fill an invalid value into a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions.

  • -or-

  • You are using a Data Form.

NOTE: If you copy, drag, or fill an invalid value to a cell to which you applied data validation restrictions, the data validation restrictions are removed from the cell.

When you apply data validation restrictions on a cell, Microsoft Excel 97 only validates the data when you manually type the value into the cell.


This behavior is by design of Microsoft Excel 97.


The ability to specify what data is valid for individual cells or cell ranges is a new feature in Microsoft Excel 97. This feature allows you to do the following:

  • Create a list of the entries that restrict the valid data values

  • Create a prompt that explains the type of data that is valid for a given cell

  • Create a message that appears when incorrect data is typed

  • Check for incorrect entries using the Auditing toolbar

  • Set a range of numeric values that can be entered into a cell

  • Determine if an entry is valid based on a calculation in another cell


For more information about data validation, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel Help, type the following text

data validation, restriction options
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Types of data restrictions" topic.

Additional query words: XL98

Keywords : xlui xlformat xlformula
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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