XL97: How to Use Natural Language Formulas

ID: Q161881

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows


Microsoft Excel 97 introduces natural language formulas, which is a method of referring to a cell range in a table by using row or column labels as the reference name. Natural language formulas use the intersection feature that is available in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel.

NOTE: This feature is available by default. The "Accept labels in formulas" option on the Calculation tab of the Options dialog box (click Options on the Tools menu) makes this feature available.


In earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, to refer to an intersection, you must know the ranges of cells in advance, or you must define range names for the cells before you refer to the range. If the ranges change, you must also update the formulas and defined names. With natural language formulas, you must no longer create defined names or determine the cell ranges in advance. Microsoft Excel 97 determines the range based on the row and column labels that you provide in the table on the worksheet. For example, in the table below, the following formula returns the value 100 for "Product A" in the "First Quarter":

   = Product A First Quarter

   A1:              B1: First Quarter  C1: Second Quarter
   A2: Product A    B2: 100            C2: 50
   A3: Product B    B3: 110            C3: 60
   A4: Product C    B4: 120            C4: 70 

Rules for Labels

Natural language formulas analyze the row and column headings of all tables in the current worksheet to determine the validity of the labels. In most instances, you can use any string as a label, but there are some restrictions. These restrictions include the following:
  • You can use any letter of the alphabet, a backslash, or an underscore as the starting character.

  • You cannot use labels that consist solely of the international decimal point, the plus sign, the minus sign, or the letter "e".

  • You cannot use labels that appear to be cell references, for example, you cannot use "FY97".

    You can use any string of characters if the string is enclosed in apostrophes (single quotation marks). For example, if you want to use the following string:

  • Microsoft Excel ignores leading and trailing spaces in labels.

    However, spaces are allowed between characters in labels; for example, you can use "Tax Rate".

  • You can use a number as a label as long as the number is between 1,900 and 9,999.

  • You can use a date as a label as long as it uses a built-in date format that contains a day; for example, you can use "12/3/96" or "Dec-3-96".

  • You cannot use a label that appears to be a function; for example, you cannot use "Sum()" or "Average()".

  • You cannot use a natural language formula in an array formula.

  • If Microsoft Excel finds both a label and a defined name, the defined name takes precedence over the label.

    To force Microsoft Excel to use the reference as a label, enclose the reference in apostrophes (single quotation marks).

    For example, in the formula "=Sales Software", if a defined name exists for Sales, the formula references the defined name. However, if you type the following formula:
    ='Sales' Software
    the range referenced by the row or column label is always used.

  • If multiple tables on the same worksheet contain identical labels, the table Microsoft Excel uses is determined by the location of the cell that contains the formula. In general, the table that is referenced is to the left and/or above the cell that contains the formula.

    For example, if a worksheet contains a table in cells A1:E10 and a table in cells A15:E25, if you type a formula in cell A30, Microsoft Excel uses the labels in the table in cells A15:E25. However, if you type the same formula in cell A12, Microsoft Excel uses the first table in cells A1:E10. If Microsoft Excel is unable to determine to which table you are referring, it displays the "Identify Label" dialog box. This dialog box prompts you to select the cell that contains the label you want to use.

Stacked Column Labels

Tables may contain more than one column or row label heading. You can create natural language formulas that refer to multiple headings. To do this, type a space between each of the labels in the formula. The following sample table and formula use a stacked column label in a formula.

   A1:        B1: 1995   C1:        D1: 1996   E1:
   A2:        B2: North  C2: South  D2: North  E2: South
   A3: Jan    B3: 100    C3: 50     D3: 200    E3: 70
   A4: Feb    B4: 105    C4: 60     D4: 205    E4: 80
   A5: Mar    B5: 110    C5: 70     D5: 210    E5: 90 
The following formula returns the value 105 for the region "North" in the year 1995 for "Feb":

   =1995 North Feb 
NOTE: Cells B1:C1 and D1:E1 in the table are merged. To merge cells, select the range and click Merge And Center on the Formatting toolbar.

Error Values

This error means that Microsoft Excel cannot determine the label.

For example, in the formula "=First Quarter Sales", Microsoft Excel searches for the label "First Quarter Sales". If no matching label is found, Microsoft Excel searches for the label "First Quarter". If no label is found, Microsoft Excel searches defined names. The #NAME? error is returned if all the searches fail to find the label.
This error means that the label is valid but does not refer to a valid intersection.

For example, in the formula "=First Quarter Sales", if the label "'First Quarter'" refers to the range A1:A10, and the label "'Sales'" refers to the range B5:E5, the ranges do not intersect.


For more information about natural language formulas, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel 97 Help, type the following text

labels, in formulas
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Learn about labels and names in formulas" topic.

Additional query words: 97 XL97 8.00 NLF ELF

Keywords : kbualink97 xlformula
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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