XL97: Summary List of Confirmed Bugs in Microsoft Excel 97

ID: Q166464

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows


The following table lists confirmed problems in Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows. This is not a comprehensive list and is current as of April 4, For more information about each issue, query in the Microsoft Knowledge Base on the article identifier (Article ID).

Summary Listing for Microsoft Excel 97

Article ID Article Title

Q163271 XL97: Error Appears or View Not Retained Printing Reports
Q159679 XL97: "Illegal Operation" Opening a Non-Microsoft Excel File
Q159465 XL97: "Module Not Found" Error Opening Workbook
Q156892 XL97: MS Excel Stops After Specifying Conditional Format
Q156200 XL97: Sounds Not Converted with Cell Notes
Q159832 XL97: Inserting Second Trendline into Chart Halts MS Excel
Q164024 XL97: Printing Problem When Print Titles Contain Borders
Q166461 XL97: ROW and COLUMN Functions Are Not Recalculated
Q162474 XL97: DFunctions Return Errors When Database Has Too Many Rows
Q163049 XL97: Illegal Operation Using Chart Wizard
Q157127 XL97: MS Excel Hangs with UserForm Displayed in Binder
Q157557 XL97: Cloud Callout Is Not Printed Correctly on HP Printer
Q159416 XL97: Error Inserting or Deleting Rows or Columns After Undo
Q157035 XL97: Date Returned in a Macro Is Four Years Too Early
Q156836 XL97: CTRL+SHIFT+" Keyboard Shortcut Limited to 1,024 Characters
Q157041 XL97: Always Create Backup Fails on Internet FTP Location
Q157087 XL97: Cannot Modify or Delete Custom Menus
Q160085 XL97: Page Fault Accessing Demand-Loaded Add-in
Q164316 XL97: Data in Hidden Columns Is Not Deleted
Q171339 XL97: Some Values Not Recalculated When Using Multiple Formulas

Additional query words: 97 XL97

Keywords : xlgpf
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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