XL97: Error Formatting Cells on WinBook XP5 Laptop Computer

ID: Q167385

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Windows 95

WARNING: The information in this article has not been confirmed or tested by Microsoft. Some or all of the information in this article has been taken from unconfirmed customer reports. ANY USE BY YOU OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS ARTICLE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Microsoft provides this information "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.


In Microsoft Excel 97, if you attempt to do either of the following

  • On the Format menu, click Cells and click any of the tabs in the Format Cells dialog box (for example, Number, Font, Patterns, Border, and so on).

  • -or-

  • Change the format applied to a cell (or range of cells) by clicking any of the following tools on the Formatting toolbar:
       Align Left       Decrease Decimal
       Align Right      Increase Decimal
       Bold             Italic
       Center           Percent Style
       Comma Style      Underline
       Currency Style 

you may receive the following error message:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
If the problem persists, contact the program vendor.
If you click Details, you receive an error message similar to the following:
EXCEL caused an invalid page fault in module EXCEL.EXE at 0137:3007af88.


This problem may occur if you attempt to format a cell (or a range of cells) in Microsoft Excel 97 on a WinBook XP5 laptop computer running Microsoft Windows 95.


For more information about WinBook laptop computers, use your Web browser to go to the following address on the Internet:

You can also go to the WinBook Corporation support page at the following address:
The third-party contact information included in this article is provided to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

WinBook laptop computers are manufactured by the WinBook Corporation, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.


For information about how to contact the WinBook Corporation, query in the Knowledge Base for one of the following articles:

Q65416 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, A-K
Q60781 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, L-P
Q60782 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, Q-Z

Additional query words: XL97 0137:3016ab93

Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg xlgpf
Version : WINDOWS:95,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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