SBFM97: Trial Balance with Scenarios Out of Balance

ID: Q169401

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Small Business Financial Manager 97 for Microsoft Excel 97


When you run the Report Wizard and click "Trial Balance with Scenarios," total assets do not equal total liabilities and equity. (The Trial Balance report is not balanced.)


This problem occurs when you do all of the following:

  • You create a What-If scenario that includes both a Buy vs. Lease analysis and a Sell Assets analysis.

  • -and-

  • You click Cash in the Buy vs. Lease analysis.

  • -and-

  • In the Sell Assets analysis, you specify a sale of the asset that results in either a gain or a loss within the scenario period.

  • -and-

  • You create a Trial Balance report and click "Trial Balance with Scenarios."


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


In the Small Business Financial Manager, you can create a workbook that contains a collection of What-If analysis topics for a company. A scenario shows the cumulative effects based on the figures you enter. The What-If analysis computes the financial performance of the company based on these figures.

Additional query words: XL97 sbfm

Keywords : kbtool xlsbfm
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 16, 1999
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