XL98: VBA Macro Behavior Is Different from Excel 5.0

ID: Q183541

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition


When you run a Visual Basic for Applications macro in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition, the way the macro behaves may be different from the way it behaves in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel. This may be true for any of the following reasons:

  • The architecture of Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition is somewhat different from the architecture that is used in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel. Some elements (for example, menu bars and toolbars) are greatly enhanced in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition. As a result, Visual Basic code that interacts with these elements may work differently.

  • Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition corrects some problems that are present in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel. As a result, Visual Basic code that works in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel may work differently in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.

  • Because all of the Microsoft Office programs include Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications, the Visual Basic environment in Microsoft Excel includes changes that accommodate the new programs and provide consistent behavior in all programs. As a result, code that uses Automation or other cross-product functionality may work differently in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.

Microsoft realizes the importance of minimizing the amount of effort that is required to use macros in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition. Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition is designed to be compatible with earlier versions of Microsoft Excel; however, in some cases, it may be necessary to modify your code so that it works in Microsoft Excel 98 Macintosh Edition.


Modifying your code so that it works with Microsoft Excel 98 usually requires making only a few minor changes. The following is a list of articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base that address compatibility issues in Microsoft Excel 98. Wherever possible, the articles contain the information you need to modify Visual Basic macros so that they function in both Microsoft Excel 98 and in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel.

Q179004 XL98: Options not Available in Macro Options Dialog Box
Q179005 XL98: Attached Toolbar Is Not Saved in 5.0/95 File Format
Q179039 XL98: Bitmap Image Shrinks When Pasted on a Toolbar Button
Q179328 XL98: Text Is Truncated in a Text Box with Rounded Corners
Q180372 XL98: Unexpected Results Paste Linking Nonadjacent Range
Q180373 XL98: Cannot Change Value for Form Control on Worksheet
Q180642 XL98: Excel Quits When You Save a Workbook with a Module
Q181726 XL98: Page Setup Command Does Not Exist in Modules
Q181900 XL98: Some Properties and Methods Are Missing in Object Browser
Q182136 XL98: Error Applying Comment When Worksheets Are Grouped
Q182160 XL98: Structure and Windows Arguments of Protect Method
Q182238 XL98: Limitations for Naming Visual Basic Modules
Q182239 XL98: Error When Passing an Array Value Between Macros
Q182241 XL98: Auto_Close Macros Run When You Use Application.Quit
Q182295 XL98: Cannot Move or Copy Sheet After Last Sheet
Q182296 XL98: Overflow Error Occurs When Using Err Object
Q182298 XL98: Drawing Objects Behave Differently when Clicked
Q182299 XL98: Error Adding or Deleting a Menu Command in a Macro
Q182345 XL98: Visible Property Does Not Apply to All CommandBars
Q182408 XL98: Macro Stops Running When its Workbook Is Closed
Q182409 XL98: Cannot Add Macros to the Tools Menu
Q182410 XL98: Calling RunAutoMacros Method More than Once Fails
Q182480 XL98: Styles("X").Parent Different Than in Earlier Versions of Excel
Q182645 XL98: Problems When Disabling/Enabling Menus
Q182646 XL98: Cannot Paste Array Formula in its Original Cell
Q182647 XL98: ParamArrays are Always Zero-Based
Q182648 XL98: Error with Invalid Characters in Drawing Object Name
Q182649 XL98: ParamArray Must Be Declared as an Array of Variant
Q182650 XL98: No Automatic Type Coercion Between Variable Types
Q182717 XL98: Cannot Make Changes to Some Shortcut Menus
Q182718 XL98: Problems Disabling and Enabling Shortcut Menus
Q183539 XL98: CreateObject and GetObject Work Differently
Q183534 OFF98: Visual Basic Modules Cannot Be Hidden or Protected
Q183540 XL98: Using the MenuBars Method in Microsoft Excel 98
Q184174 XL98: "Type Mismatch" Comparing String Variable to Boolean
Q184175 XL98: "Invalid Use of Null" Error Setting OnRepeat Method
Q184703 XL98 Compile Error Passing ParamArray
Q184176 XL98: Select Method May Select More Cells Than You Expect
Q184704 XL98: Cannot Edit Text Box with Unlocked Text
Q184705 XL98: Cannot Programmatically Close Referenced Workbook
Q185583 XL98: Parentheses Around Object May Dereference the Object
Q184378 XL98: Deleting Cells with a For Each...Next Loop
Q184366 XL98: Range.PasteSpecial Changes Selection
Q184790 XL98: Input # Statement Does Not Retain Trailing Spaces
Q184848 XL98: Redraw Problem Changing Visibility of Object on Dialog
Q184367 XL98: Type 2 Error Message Saving a Workbook or Add-In
Q187592 XL98: Unexpected Quit After Changing Tab Order of Option Buttons
Q183913 XL98: Charts.Delete Command in Macro May Delete Worksheets
Q154873 XL: Error When You Concatenate String and Numeric Values

Additional query words: XL98 macro subroutine code fail error halt message convert conversion vba xlvbmigrate

Keywords : kbprg kbprb
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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