ACC1x: How to Fill a Combo Box with Table Names (1.x)
ID: Q109327
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1
This article describes how to create a combo box that will list the names
of the tables in your Microsoft Access version 1.x database.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Access Basic and with
creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided
with Microsoft Access.
The following example demonstrates how to create a combo box that lists the
names of tables in your database:
- Add the following to the Declarations section of the Introduction to
Programming module in the sample database NWIND.MDB:
Option Explicit
- Enter the following sample function:
NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a line-
continuation character. Remove the underscore when re-creating this code
in Access Basic.
Function TableList (Fld As Control, Id, Row, Col, Code)
Static TbLst_Array(100), No_Entries
Dim MyDB As Database
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim Returnval
Dim SnapOfTables As Snapshot
Returnval = Null
Set MyDB = CurrentDB()
Set SnapOfTables = MyDB.ListTables()
Select Case code
Case 0
' CASE 0: Initializes the function. Lets the function know
' how many elements will be in the list box. It also
' initializes the array that holds the elements.
No_Entries = 0
TbLst_Array(No_Entries) = Null
Do Until SnapOfTables.EOF
If SnapOfTables.tabletype = db_table And_
SnapOfTables.attributes = 0 Then
TbLst_Array(No_Entries) = SnapOfTables.Name
No_Entries = No_Entries + 1
End If
Returnval = No_Entries
Case 1
' Open. Provides a unique id number for the function. Most
' cases just use the following code in this case.
Returnval = Timer
Case 2
' (Reserved for future use.) This case should be omitted.
Case 3
' Number of Rows. Lets the function know how many rows are
' going to be in the list (can be zero). Use -1 if number is
' unknown.
Returnval = No_Entries
Case 4
' Number of Columns. (CANNOT BE ZERO) Should match the value
' in the property sheet.
Returnval = -1
Case 5
' Column width. Width in twips of column specified by the col
' argument. Use -1 to use default widths.
Returnval = -1
Case 6
' List Entry. Gives element to be displayed in the row and
' column specified by the row and col arguments.
Returnval = TbLst_Array(row)
Case 7
' Format String. Format string to be used to format the list
' element displayed in the row and column specified by the
' row and col arguments. Use NULL to use the default format.
Case 8
'(Reserved for Future Use.) This case should be omitted.
Case 9
' End. This is the last call to function. Always
' include this case. This is a good place for any
' cleanup code.
For No_Entries = 0 To cnt
TbLst_Array(cnt) = ""
End Select
TableList = Returnval
End Function
- Save the module.
- Create a new, unbound form.
- Place a combo box with the following properties on the form:
Form: Form1
Combo Box:
ControlName: Tablelist
RowSourceType: TableList
ColumnCount: 1
BoundColumn: 1
- View the form in Form view. Click the combo box.
The combo box will be filled with the names of the tables in the NWIND
Microsoft Access "User's Guide," Chapter 9, "Designing Forms"
Microsoft Access "Introduction to Programming," pages 82-85
Keywords : kbusage FmsCmbo
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto