ACC: Sample Function to Provide Password for Attached Tables
ID: Q109829
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Access versions 2.0, 7.0, 97
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
When you first link (attach) an external table using an ODBC driver, you
have the option to store the User ID and password for the table locally. If
you do not store the ID and password locally, you will be prompted later
for the ID and password when you open the table (either manually or
This article describes a sample function that you can use in Microsoft
Access 97, 7.0, 2.0 and 1.x to eliminate the login prompt when you open
the table.
This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for
Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the
programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information
about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to your version of the
"Building Applications with Microsoft Access" manual.
NOTE: Visual Basic for Applications is called Access Basic in Microsoft
Access versions 1.x and 2.0. For more information about Access Basic,
please refer to the "Introduction to Programming" manual in Microsoft
Access version 1.x or the "Building Applications" manual in Microsoft
Access version 2.0.
The following steps demonstrate how to eliminate the login prompt when you
open a linked table:
- You must first provide your login information. To do this, use one of
the four standard ODBC dialog boxes, or create your own custom login
- Use the sample function below (or one similar to it) along with a valid
<UserId> and <Password> to establish the connection.
NOTE: In the following sample code, an underscore (_) is used as a line-
continuation character. Remove the underscore from the end of the line
when re-creating this code in Access Basic.
Function Establish_Connection ()
Dim db As Database, dbcurr As Database
Dim ds As Recordset
Set dbcurr = CurrentDB()
Set db = OpenDatabase("", False, False, _
"ODBC;DSN=<data source name>;" & _
"UID=<UserID>;PWD=<Password>;DATABASE=" & _
"<database name>;")
Set ds = db.OpenRecordset("<any table existing in the
database defined by DATABASE above>")
End Function
Substitute your own server name, password, database name, and table name in the function above.
When you run this function, Microsoft Access establishes a connection with
the server specified in the function. The Connection Manager then stores
the connection information, enabling you to open other linked tables
on that server without being prompted for the login information each
time. The Connection Manager will retain the login information until you
quit Microsoft Access.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbprg kbusage OdbcOthr
Version : WINDOWS:2.0,7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo