ACC2: Overview of MS Access 2.0 Add-ins, Builders, and Wizards

ID: Q112751

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access 2.0


Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

This article is an overview of the add-ins, builders, and Microsoft Access Wizards in Microsoft Access version 2.0. Listed below is the name of each add-in, builder, and Wizard, and a brief description of its purpose.


Name                      Description of Purpose
Add-in Manager            Used to install, uninstall, or customize
                          add-ins, builders, and Wizards.

Add-ins                   File menu command to control any current
                          add-in, builder, or Wizard.

Archive Query Wizard      Creates a query that will copy records
                          from one table into another, new table.

Attachment Manager        Used to view or refresh the links to
                          attached tables.

AutoDialer                Used by Microsoft Access to dial a
                          selected phone number.

AutoForm                  Creates a form based on the
                          currently selected table or query.

AutoReport                Creates a report based on the
                          currently selected table or query.

Code Builder              Displays the Module window, where you
                          create or modify a procedure for an

Color Builder             Creates custom colors, or you can
                          select colors in the palette.

Combo box Wizard          Creates a combo box on a form or report.

Command button Wizard     Creates a command button with built-in
                          bitmaps and code.

Crosstab Query Wizard     Creates a query that will summarize
                          data in row and column format.

Database Documentor       Used to print a list of design elements
                          of your database objects.

Expression Builder        Creates expressions using functions,
                          operators, constants, and so on.

Field Builder             Adds a new field to a table's design
                          from a list of tables and fields.

Find Duplicates           Creates a query that will find duplicate
Query Wizard              records in a table or query.

Find Unmatched            Creates a query to find records that
Query Wizard              do not match in other tables or queries.

Graph Wizard              Creates a form containing a graph or
                          creates a graph in an existing form or

Groups/Totals             Creates a report that groups and
Report Wizard             aggregates values in tabular format.

Import Database Add-in    Imports all the objects from another
                          Microsoft Access database.

Input Mask Wizard         Adds an input mask to a field in a
                          table or query or a text box on a form.

List box Wizard           Creates a list box on a form or report.

Macro Builder             Creates a new macro where you select from
                          47 actions for an event.

Mailing Label             Creates a report used to make mailing
Report Wizard             labels.

Main/Subform Wizard       Creates a form based on one or more
                          tables or queries.

Menu Builder              Used to create a menu bar that you can
                          attach to a form or report.

Microsoft Word Mail       Merges Microsoft Access data
Merge Wizard              with a Word for Windows document.

ODBC Connection           Creates a connection string to gain
String Builder            access to a backend server.

Option Group Wizard       Creates an option group on a form or

Picture Builder           Used to add a picture to a command
                          button or toggle button.

Query Builder             Design or modify a query that is the
                          source for a form, report, list box,
                          combo box, graph, or object frame.

Single-Column Form        Creates a form that displays the
Wizard                    contents of each record in a column.

Single-Column Report      Creates a report that displays the
Wizard                    contents of each record in a column.

Summary Report Wizard     Similar to the Groups/Totals Report
                          Wizard but without detail lines.

Table Wizard              Assists you in creating a table by
                          offering over 40 sample tables.

Tabular Form Wizard       Creates a form that displays record
                          values in columns from left to right.

Tabular Report Wizard     Creates a report that displays record
                          values in columns from left to right.

Wizards Customizer        Customizes add-ins, builders, and Wizards.

Zoom box                  Zooms the contents of an input area
                          using SHIFT+F2. 


For more information about Microsoft Access 2.0 add-ins, builders, and Wizards, search for "Wizards: reference," and then "Builders, Wizards, and Add-ins" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.

Keywords : kbusage GnlOthr
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 3, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.