ACC2: List of New 2.0 Form/Report Events, Methods, & Properties

ID: Q112795

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access 2.0


Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

This article lists the many new events, methods, and properties for both forms and reports in Microsoft Access version 2.0.


NAME                    TYPE                  APPLIES TO
Action                    Property                   X
Activate                  Event                      X
AfterDelConfirm           Property, PS, Event
AfterInsert               Property, PS, Event
Append                    Method
AutoActivate              Property, PS
AutoCenter                Property, PS
AutoExpand                Property, PS
AutoTab                   Property, PS
BeforeDelConfirm          Event
BeforeInsert              Property, PS
BorderLineStyle           Property, PS               X
Change                    Event
Class                     Property, PS
ColumnHidden              Property, PS
ColumnOrder               Property
ColumnWidth               Property
ControlBox                Property, PS
CreateDatabase            Method
CreateObject              Method
CurrentView               Property
CurrentSectionLeft        Property
CurrentSectionTop         Property
CurrentView               Property
DatasheetFontHeight       Property
DatasheetFontItalic       Property
DatasheetFontName         Property
DatasheetFontUnderline    Property
DatasheetFontWeight       Property
Deactivate                Event                      X
Delete (Recordset)        Method
Dirty                     Property
DisplayType               Property, PS               X
Echo                      Method
EnterKeyBehavior          Property, PS
Error                     Event                      X
EventProcPrefix           Property                   X
Execute (QueryDef)        Method
FastLaserPrinting         Property, PS               X
FieldSize                 Method
FillCache                 Method
FrozenColumns             Property
GetObject                 Method
GetOption                 Method
GotFocus                  Event
GotoPage                  Method
Idle                      Method
InputMask                 Property, PS               X
InSelection               Property
InsertText                Method
ItemData                  Method
KeepTogether - Groups     Property, PS
KeyDown                   Event
KeyPress                  Event
KeyUp                     Event
ListCount                 Property                   X
ListIndex                 Property                   X
Load                      Event
LostFocus                 Event
lpOleObject               Property                   X
MaxButton                 Property, PS
Me                        Property                   X
MenuBar                   Property, PS               X
MinButton                 Property, PS
Module                    Property                   X
MouseDown                 Event
MouseMove                 Event
MouseUp                   Event
Move                      Method
Name                      Property, PS               X
NavigationButtons         Property, PS               X
NewPassword               Method
NotInList                 Event
Object                    Property                   X
ObjectPalette             Property                   X
ObjectVerbs               Property                   X
ObjectVerbsCount          Property                   X
OleType                   Property, PS               X
OleTypeAllowed            Property, PS               X
OnActivate                Property, PS               X
OnChange                  Property, PS
OnClick (replaces         Property, PS
         OnPush property)
OnDeactivate              Property, PS               X
OnError                   Property, PS               X
OnGotFocus                Property, PS
OnKeyDown                 Property, PS
OnKeyPress                Property, PS
OnKeyUp                   Property, PS
OnLoad                    Property, PS               X
OnLostFocus               Property, PS
OnMouseDown               Property, PS
OnMouseMove               Property, PS
OnMouseUp                 Property, PS
OnNotInList               Property, PS
OnResize                  Property, PS
OnTimer                   Property, PS
OnUnload                  Property, PS
OnUpdated                 Property, PS
OpenArgs                  Property
OpenDatabase              Method
OpenRecordset             Method
OpenRecordset (Database)  Method
Pages                     Property                   X
PaintPalette              Property                   X
PaletteSource             Property, PS               X
Quit                      Method
Recalc                    Method
RecordsetClone            Property
Refresh                   Method
Refresh (DAO)             Method
RefreshLink               Method
RegisterDatabase          Method
Repaint                   Method
RepairDatabase            Method
Requery                   Method
Requery (DAO)             Method
Resize                    Event
SelLength                 Property
SelStart                  Property
SelText                   Property
SetFocus                  Method
SetOption                 Method
ShortcutMenu              Property
SizeMode                  Property, PS              X
SourceDoc                 Property, PS              X
SourceItem                Property, PS              X
TabIndex                  Property, PS
TabStop                   Property, PS
Tag                       Property, PS              X
Text                      Property                  X
Timer                     Event
TimerInterval             Property, PS
Updated                   Event
UpdateOptions             Property, PS              X
Value                     Property                  X
Verb                      Property, PS              X
WindowHeight              Property                  X
WindowWidth               Property                  X 


For more information about form properties, search for "properties: forms," and then "Form Properties" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.

For more information about report properties, search for "properties: reports," and then "Report Properties" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.

For more information on events, search for "events: order of," and then "Order of Events" using the Microsoft Access Help menu.

To see the order in which events occur on a form, open the Show Events form in the NWIND sample database.

Keywords : kbusage FmsHowto
Version : 2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 3, 1999
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