ACC: How to Query on Microsoft Access Keywords
ID: Q119525
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 7.0, 97
Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.
Every Microsoft Access Knowledge Base (KB) article contains a keyword
formed from the article's category and subcategory. You can query on this
keyword to help you find specific groups of articles. If you are using the
Microsoft Access 2.0 KB Help file, you can use the Find button on the
toolbar to enter category queries.
The category and subcategory of Microsoft Access KB articles are
abbreviated and concatenated to form a unique word that you can query on.
For example, FmsCmbo stands for Forms, Combo/List Box, where Forms is the
category and Combo/List Box is the subcategory. Note that the first letter
of the category and subcategory are capitalized; this does not affect your
queries, but makes it easier to recognize the subcategory.
To display all the articles in a category, query on the category code with
a wildcard (for example, "Fms*"). To display all the articles in a specific
subcategory, query on the entire code (for example, "FmsCmbo"). You can use
the logical operator OR to query on more than one category or subcategory
(for example, "FmsCmbo OR FmsProp"). When you are looking for articles on a
specific subcategory, it is often a good idea to include the Othr
subcategory as well--not all articles are put in the best possible
See the "References" section later in this article for information about
how to find a complete list of categories and subcategories for Microsoft
Access KB articles.
To query on one category, enter the category code and a wildcard. For
example, to display all Forms articles enter:
To query on more than one category, enter each category code with a
wildcard. For example, to display all the articles on Forms or Reports
Fms* or Rpts* or Fmr*
To query on one subcategory, enter the complete code. For example, to
display all articles on Query, Joins enter:
To query on more than one subcategory, enter all the complete codes. For
example, to display articles on Query, Joins and Query, Make Table enter:
QryJoin or QryMktbl
You can also mix categories and subcategories in one query. For example, to
display articles on Reports, Labels and all Printing articles, enter:
RptLabel or Ptr*
For a complete list of all the categories and subcategories used in
Microsoft Access KB articles, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119526 ACC: How to Search for Microsoft Access Articles by Keywords
For more information about how to query using the Find button, click the
Find button, and then click the Hints button in the Search dialog box.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Version : 1.0 1.1 2.0 7.0 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo