ACC97: "Unable to Open AVI File" Error Using Animation Control

ID: Q162978

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access 97


Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.

When you use the Animation control to display animation on a Microsoft Access 97 form, you may receive the following error message:

Run-time error '35752':
Unable to open AVI file

NOTE: The Animation ActiveX control is installed by Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition.


You used an unsupported animation file (*.avi) with the Animation control. The control only supports uncompressed .avi files or .avi files compressed using Run-Length Encoding (RLE), and .avi files without sound data.


Replace the .avi file you are using in the Animation control with one that is uncompressed or compressed with RLE, and has no sound data.


You can use the Animation control to display .avi files on a form. For example, you can call the Play method of an Animation control when you click a button on a form, and the control will play the .avi file.

The Animation control is only visible in Design view. In Form view, you do not see the control; you only see the animation it plays.

You can obtain information about an .avi file by viewing its properties. In Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft NT version 4.0, use the right mouse button to click the .avi file, and then click Properties. In Microsoft Windows NT version 3.51, select the file in File Manager, and then click Properties on the File menu. The Audio Format property must be blank, and the Video Format property must reference MS-RLE or no compression format at all.


For more information about using the Animation control, search the Help Index for "Animation control."

Additional query words: ODE custom control OLE err msg

Keywords : kberrmsg
Version : 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 27, 1999
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