ACC95: Deleted Replicas Still Show in Synchronization List

ID: Q164237

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access 7.0


Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.

After you try to synchronize with a deleted replica database, the deleted replica's name still appears in the list of databases when you point to Replication on the Tools menu, and then click Synchronize Now.

NOTE: This does not apply to replication features implemented using the Replication Manager from the Microsoft Access Developer's Toolkit version 7.0.


You can create a custom procedure that tries to synchronize with the deleted replica using the Synchronize method. If the database is not found, its name is removed from the synchronization list. Run the following procedure in each database in the replica set where you want to remove a deleted replica name from the synchronization list.

   Sub RemoveDeletedReplica()
      Dim strDelReplica as String
      On Error Resume Next
      strDelReplica = InputBox _
         ("Enter the full path and name of deleted replica")
      CurrentDb.Synchronize strDelReplica
   End Sub 

Type the path and file name of the deleted replica in the input box. After the procedure runs, you can point to Replication on the Tools menu, and then click Synchronize Now. Note that the deleted replica no longer appears in the Synchronize With box.

NOTE: This method does not work if you create a replica, delete it, create another replica with the same path and file name, and then delete that replica again.


This behavior no longer occurs in Microsoft Access 97.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Start Microsoft Access and create a new blank database.

  2. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click Create Replica. Follow the instructions on your screen to convert the current database to Design Master and create a new replica.

  3. Repeat step 2 to create another replica.

  4. On the Tools menu, point to Replication, and then click Synchronize Now. Synchronize with one of the two replicas in the Synchronize With box. Close and reopen the database when prompted; then repeat this step and select the other replica in the Synchronize With box.

  5. Start Windows Explorer or File Manager and delete one of the replicas.

  6. In Microsoft Access, point to Replication on the Tools menu, and then click Synchronize Now. Select the deleted replica in the Synchronized With box, and then click OK. Note that you receive the following error message:
    Microsoft Access can't open the database '<Database Name>'. Couldn't find file '<Database Name>'.

    Click OK.

  7. Cancel the Synchronize Database dialog box, and then close the database.

  8. Reopen the database.

  9. On the Tools menu, point to Replication and then click Synchronize Now. Note that the deleted database name still appears in the Synchronize With box. The name remains even after you compact or repair the database.


For more information about replication issues and solutions, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q146884 ACC95: Replicated Object Replaced by Local Object in Replica

Q153526 ACC: How to Unreplicate a Database

For more information about the Synchronize method, search the Help Index for "Synchronize method."

Keywords : kbusage RplGen
Version : 7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 26, 1999
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