ACC: Sound Object on Form Does Not Play Sound When Clicked

ID: Q174091

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 7.0, 97


Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

When you click an embedded sound object on a form (such as a Sound Recorder icon), a sound playing application (such as Sound Recorder) does not open as expected. This occurs only after you use the Create New option of the Insert Object command to create the sound object on the form.


If you use the Create New option of the Insert Object command to add a sound object to a form, no application file, such as a wave file (*.wav), is associated with the object. Consequently, when you click the object, no application is started.


Associate a sound wave file (*.wav) with the sound object on the form. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Start Microsoft Access.

  2. Create a new database as follows:

    1. On the File menu, click New Database.

    2. In the New Database dialog box, click the General tab.

    3. Click the Blank Database icon and click OK.

    4. In the File New Database dialog box, type SoundTest as the name of the database (.mdb).

    5. Click the Create button.

  3. Create a new form as follows:

    1. In the Database window, click the Form tab.

    2. Click the New button.

    3. Select Design View from the list in the New Form dialog box.

    4. Click OK.

    5. On the File menu, click Save As/Export.

    6. In the Save As dialog box, type Form1 in the New Name box.

    7. Click OK.

  4. Insert the OLE Object on the form as follows:

    1. On the Insert Menu, click Object.

    2. In the Insert Object dialog box, click "Create From File" and type in the path for the wave file, C:\Windows\System\Ringin.wav.

    3. Click OK.

  5. Right-click the sound object and click Properties. Click the Data tab and set two properties as follows:
         Enabled = Yes
         Locked = No 

  6. Close the Properties box.

  7. On the View menu, click Form.

  8. Double-click the wave sound icon. Note that the wave file plays.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Follow steps 1 - 3 in the "Resolution" section.

  2. Insert the OLE Object on the form as follows:

    1. On the Insert Menu, click Object.

    2. In the Insert Object dialog box click "Create New".

    3. Select Wave Sound from the Object Type list.

    4. Click the OK button

  3. Notice that Sound Recorder starts. Close Sound Recorder.

  4. Right-click the sound object and click Properties. Click the Data tab and set two properties as follows:
         Enabled = Yes
         Locked = No 

  5. On the View menu, click Form.

  6. Double-click the Wave Sound object (OLE object) in the form. Note that Sound Recorder does not open as expected.


For more information about sound objects, search the Help Index for "sound objects," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

Additional query words: FrmOthr IntpOle

Keywords : kbmm kbsound FmrOthr IntpOle
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: April 28, 1999
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