ACC: Margins Do Not Relate to Printable Area

ID: Q90095

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 7.0


Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

When you print or preview a report that has the margins set to fall outside the printable area defined by your printer driver, the information in the report falling outside of the printable area is not printed correctly.

Depending on the printer and driver you are using, the output may be truncated, shifted so that it falls within the printable area, or flow onto another page. Also, output from the second page to the end of the report may vary from that of the first page. For example, the printer may shift the output on those pages so that the top and left sides of the report correspond to the top and left sides of the printable area.


Microsoft Access sets margins based on the page size selected, not on the printable area of that page. Therefore, if you set your margins to have output go beyond the printable area, the information that would be placed in that area is not printed correctly.


Preview any output from Microsoft Access to ensure that no information is truncated. If information is truncated, increase the margins by choosing the Setup button and changing the margin settings.

For example, if your top margin is set to 0 (zero) and the information at the top of the pages appears to be truncated, increase the top margin (for example, to 0.5) and preview the information again. Continue increasing the margins until the information is no longer truncated.


This behavior is by design.

Keywords : kbusage RptLayou
Version : 1.0 1.1 2.0 7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: March 10, 1999
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