ACC1x: Planning Database Security

ID: Q92742

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access versions 1.0, 1.1


There are two things to remember when dealing with security:

  1. Plan your security scheme from the beginning. Planning a good security scheme from the beginning will ensure you a minimum of work later on.

  2. Assign permissions to Groups, not to Users.

    This is very important. By creating appropriate, well thought out groups, a user has the "best" permissions of the groups that he or she is a member of. For example, if a user is member of Group A, which does not have permissions to an object but also is a member of Group B, which does have the permissions to an object, the user will have Group B's permission to the object.

    You will find that maintenance work will decrease significantly if you plan your groups carefully. A typical database setup should have a maximum of 4 to 5 groups. This is not a maximum number of groups limitation for Microsoft Access, merely a guideline for easier security management.

There is no multiple-selection functionality in the security dialog boxes. You cannot give a group or user permissions to more than one object at a time; each object must be selected individually and then permissions may be assigned.


User Name Case Sensitivity

User and group names are not case sensitive when you enter them to start a Microsoft Access session. However, if you are recreating a user account or group you have to match the name exactly. This is due to the way the account information is stored by the system.

NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive.


Microsoft Access "User's Guide," version 1.0, chapter 25, "Administering a Database System"

Keywords : kbusage ScrtOthr
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 12, 1999
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