ACC1x: GPF Printing Subreport with Datasheet Default View

ID: Q98810

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Access 1.0


Reports do not have a Datasheet view as forms do; however, forms created with a default Datasheet view can be saved as reports. This can cause problems in Microsoft Access.

If you save a form with the DefaultView property set to Datasheet as a report and that report is subsequently embedded as a subreport, Microsoft Access generates a general protection (GP) fault when the report is previewed or printed.

This problem can occur only if you create the subreport using the Save As Report command on the File menu. (To see this command, you must be in Design view of the form.)


When using the Save As Report command to create a report from a form, be sure the DefaultView property of the form is NOT set to Datasheet.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Access version 1.0. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Access version 1.1.

Keywords : kbusage RptSub
Version : 1.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: March 23, 1999
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