INFO: Index Server OLEDB Provider Cannot Be Installed Separately

ID: Q178849

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Index Server, version 2.0


The OLE DB Provider for Index Server (MSIDXS) cannot be installed without also installing Index Server 2.0.


The OLE DB Provider for Index Server (MSIDXS) ships as part of Index Server 2.0 in the Windows NT Options Pack 4.0. The provider does not support a separate install on a computer without Index Server.

To use ADO with the OLE DB Provider for Index Server (MSIDXS) in a Visual Basic or Visual C++ application to query Index Server 2.0, you need to install Index Server on that machine.

Any mechanism that lets you query data remotely, such as ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or Remote Data Service (RDS) within an Internet Information Server (IIS)/Active Server Pages (ASP) script, can use the MSIDXS provider to remotely query the content of the server computer. This, however, is not because MSIDXS inherently supports querying data remotely, but because you have configured MXIDXS on a server to use a technology that can support querying data remotely.


For more information on Index Server, refer to Index Server documentation in the Windows NT Option Pack documentation.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbADO kbIdxServ kbDSupport oledbProvIndex kbGrpODBC
Version : WINDOWS:2.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: November 16, 1999
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