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When using a SQL Server 7.0 distributed query, with the Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider to update a row in a Microsoft Access .mdb file, the update may fail and you will see an error similar to the following: However, the Jet provider returns more details on the error when the same update is used outside a SQL Server distributed query. RESOLUTIONWhen problems occur using a distributed query and no error information is available, simplify the query to see if there is a problem with a specific part of the the distributed query. STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a bug in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. MORE INFORMATION
Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0 provides the ability to perform queries against OLE DB providers. This is done by using the OpenQuery or OpenRowset Transact-SQL functions or by using a query with four part names including a linked-server name.
'Access' is a linked server that points to the Microsoft Access sample NWind.mdb file.
However, the Jet provider may not return details on the cause of the error when an Update query fails.
Steps to Reproduce BehaviorSet-up a linked server and run the following query in the SQL Query Analyzer:
The Update statement fails with the following error:
If you run the same update statement directly through the Jet OLEDB provider in an ActiveX Data Objects ADO application, it will give the precise error message regarding why the update failed: Following is a Visual Basic snippet of code that will produce error details:
REFERENCESSQL 7.0 Books Online; search on: "sp_addlinkedserver"; topics: "OpenQuery"; "OpenRowset". Additional query words: kbDSupport kbcode
Keywords : kbole kbDatabase kbOLEDB kbProvider kbSQLServ |
Last Reviewed: November 21, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |