The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYApplications implementing IDataObject must validate the FORMATETC structure that is passed to IDataObject::DAdvise(). Some commercial applications, such as Microsoft Excel 5.0, will try to set up an Advise on their own native format before setting up an Advise on the format selected by the user in the Paste Special dialog box while creating a link. MORE INFORMATIONWhen validating the FORMATETC structure, the server application needs to allow wildcard Advises to succeed. A Wildcard Advise is an Advise set up by the default link object so that it can properly maintain the time-of-last- change. A Wildcard Advise is requested by passing a FORMATETC with cfFormat = 0, ptd = NULL, dwAspect = -1L, and tymed = -1L. Code to validate the FORMATETC structure might look as follows:
For more information on the IDataObject::DAdvise() member function, please
refer to pages 436-439 of the "OLE Programmer's Reference, Volume 1".
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Last Reviewed: October 26, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |