OLE Object Names Must Be Unique

ID: Q71659

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft OLE

Names given to embedded or linked objects in client documents must be unique. The application must preserve these names across the saving and closing of the client document.

To open the client document, the client application calls OleLoadFromStream. One of the parameters to this function is the object name. For a given object, this name must be the same as when the object was saved to disk. Essentially, this means the object name must be saved along with other pertinent data. It is the client application's responsibility to assign a unique object name when the object is created and to preserve the uniqueness.

Currently, an application may function properly if object name uniqueness is not maintained. However, it is very likely that future versions of the OLE libraries will cause applications using nonunique names to fail.

Additional query words: 1.00 object linking embedding OL&E

Keywords : kbOLE100 kbGrpCom kbDSupport
Version : :
Platform :
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Last Reviewed: October 26, 1999
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